Senior Sports Profile

By: Kama Brackman

Name: Ally Tefft

Age: 18

Sports you're in: Basketball and Softball

How well do you feel this season will go and why?: Basketball season is going alright. For softball, we have a lot returning varsity players, so I am excited and expect it to go well.

Biggest motivation and why?: My biggest motivation is pleasing my parents and making them proud.

How long have you been playing sports?: I’ve been playing sports ever since I can remember.

Do you plan to pursue sports in college why or why not?: I am not actually pursuing sports in college since I plan to major in Biochemistry and then on to medical school.

Do you have any pregame routines?: I don’t really have a specific one, but I listen to music to help get me pumped up.

What’s your favorite sports team and why?: My favorite sports team is probably the Detroit Tigers since my family has always liked them.

What is challenging about your sport and why?: I think for both sports, it’s the mental game. After a mistake, you have to move on and focus on the next play.

Name: Sean Waugh

Age: 17

Sports you're in: Boxing

How well do you feel this season will go and why?: I feel this season will go well considering I will have more time focused on it and have had more experience

Biggest motivation and why?: My biggest motivation is all my friends and Coaches at the gym. We are constantly pushing each other to do better and encouraging one another.

How long have you been playing sports?: I started /tried boxing when I was 8. My older brother started me on it. Then I stopped going until I was 13. I then would train for most of the year so I've been consistently training for about 4 years and competed for 1 year.

Do you plan to pursue sports in college why or why not?: Yeah, because I love it

Do you have any pregame routines?: Getting warmed up, hitting the mitts, and moving around

What’s your favorite sports team and why?: I don't have a favorite sport team, but I would like to be a great boxer, like Triple G or Mayweather one day.

What is challenging about your sport and why?: When you train, you have to fight against the urge to get tired and quit.You have to train hard and train the right way. Boxing isn’t a sport of pure strength. You need technique.