The Panzer Part II

By: Zane Auch

As we crossed that bridge, the barrel let out a round. You could see the flash from here. When the projectile connected with the back tank, it exploded and burst into flames. We decided to speed up and spread out. If we were lucky we could use our speed to take out the steel menace. We lined up facing the tree line where the barrel had fired a devastating cannon. When we started rolling forward the barrel turned to face us. It was getting ready to fire again. We were halfway to the enemy tank when it fired again. It hit the tank right next to use dead on. The explosion and impact stopped the tank dead in its tracks. There were four left. We didn't have time to stop. We kept pushing forward. When we finally reached the tank, it backed out of the woods and went into the field on the other side of the treeline. We chased it very closely. When we were close enough and it was in the open, we opened fire. We had much smaller weapons that's what made us light and every time we fired it would bounce off the front of the tank. It's armor was too tough for our shells to get through the front of the tank. So we had no choice but to try to get behind it. We split into groups of two. One would stay in front and the other two would go around and destroy the tank from behind. It looked like it would work but as soon as us and another tank got behind it, the panzer opened up on one of the front tanks. He destroyed it in one hit. It went up in flames like the others. When I saw that i knew we had to end this now. We loaded the gun and started shelling the back of the tank. We got four rounds into the engine. It caught the panzer on fire. They stopped trying to fight and tried to run. They got 100ft and exploded. It was the loudest explosion I've ever heard. All the ammo they had went up in flames. It caught nearby trees and grass on fire. We had a sigh of relief when we finally destroyed the steel monster from the trees.