Roving Reporter

By: Lexi Sauber & Cassandra Cameron

What are your plans after high school?

What are you going to miss most about WHS?

Where or what do you see yourself doing in 10-15 years?

Ally Tefft- "After high school, I plan to major in Biochemistry and attend The Ohio State University, Kent State University, or The University of Cincinnati. I will miss Mrs. Hanson, and seeing her friendly face everyday. I hope to be working in a hospital as a Pediatrician."

Austin McHenry- "My plans after high school will be to attend BGSU and achieve a bachelor's degree in software development. I will miss spending time with friends, and attending sporting events year round. I see myself involved with some kind of computer job. I see myself working in a field where my degree is applicable."

Madalyn Martinez- "My plans after high school is going to Owens Community College. I'm going to miss the sports I played in high school. I see myself working for a job I like, and married with kids."

Sydney Darnell- "I plan on swimming at Indiana Wesleyan University while double majoring in Psychology and Addiction Counseling. I am going to miss our school spirit. I've always had so much fun with that! I see myself showing love to people who are struggling and helping them as much as I can, in relation to my career."

Avery Giguere- "I plan to attend Huntington University where I will be majoring in biology and playing soccer for the women's soccer team. The thing I will miss most about Wauseon High School are the teachers and staff. They have been a big support throughout these past 4 years and put a lot of time and effort into the students here at WHS. I will also miss the friendships I have made along the way. If we are being completely honest, I have no idea where I see myself in 10-15 years, but I hope I will have a degree and a career I love. I also hope I will be living in Oregon because I have always wanted to move there."

Conner Hicks- "I will be attending a four year college, somewhere in Ohio. I will miss seeing my friends everyday and the supportive teachers and administration. In 10-15 years, I see myself working in a law enforcement agency."

What was your best year of high school and Why?

Hannah Spadafore- “Senior year because it was easy.”

Chloe Lane- “Senior year because I don't care about impressing anyone anymore, so I have a lot more fun and don't worry as much. Plus, there's a lot of perks when you're a senior.”

Jaslyn Johnson- “Senior year because I get to leave early.”

Kylie Banister- “Senior year because we finally reached the end of our biggest accomplishment in our youth.”

Kelsey Cameron- “Senior year because even though I’m going to be in debt after here, I will be doing what I love for a living and thinking about graduating is making me excited.”

Katelyn Roth- “My best year of high school would have to be this year, my senior year, because it's my last year here. The classes are easy for the most part, and everyone in my grade is just trying to have fun before we go our separate ways in the fall.”

Karli Penrod- “My best year of high school is my senior year. I'd say my senior year is my best year because it's bittersweet. I'm getting to experience things for the last time, and I am preparing for my future. It's scary but also pretty exciting.”

Kyle Zirkle- “Senior year because I get to leave early.”

Seth Mansu- “That's a tough one, but I'd have to say my senior year is my best year because I have my true friends by my side and I can express myself.”

Levi Arps- “Senior year because I only have a half day.”

Everett Bueter- ”Sophomore year, because I had a lot of friends in that graduating class, and it was the introduction to Varsity football.”

Austin Rotroff- “Junior year because we went to State in basketball and I had a lot of friends who were seniors that aren't here this year.”

Olivia Leininger- “In high school I would have to say my best year was my sophomore year. I had my brother as a senior and was friends with many of the upperclassmen. With the school work sophomore year definitely was the easiest with that.”

Ally Tefft- “My best year of high school would probably be senior year because the class load is easier, and there are a lot of benefits to being a senior.”

Kendra Gorczyca- “My best year of high school would have to be my junior year because I was officially an upperclassman. I had two study halls that year. I didn't have to take Chemistry and I didn't have to deal with college stuff just yet.”

Jenna Simon- “Senior year because I got to leave early, so it gave me less classes to worry about.”

Danielle Borders- “The best year of high school would be my freshman year because I actually had time to participate in all of the school activities like football games and all of the dances. I can't now because I have two jobs which takes a majority of my time.”

Rylee Campbell- “Freshman year because it was the easiest, least stressful, and I didn’t have to do my work.”

Cade McVey- “My best year of High School was probably my freshman year. Only because you had no idea what to expect and it was a huge turning point of your life. There your days of figuring out what you wanna do after school and whether or not you wanna go to college. You'll see who your real friends are and you'll make plenty more. But yeah freshman year, it's a journey."

Alex Jasso- “Sophomore year because it was a breeze.”