Wauseon Alumni wins National Cheer competition

By: Taylor Caudill

This year, Samantha Gray (a Wauseon alumni), and her team, University of Cincinnati cheer, won the NCA Collegiate Game Day National Championship in Orlando, Florida. The competition took place in the ESPN World-Wide Sports Arena in Disney. To prepare for this huge week, the squad had to practice for the last 7 months, having practice almost every day for about 2-5 hours. Sam says, “It was hard only being able to go home 4 days of the month break for Christmas, but it all paid off in the end.” The team had to endure long and stressful practices, but it helped bring the team together in so many different ways. Sam states “Spending so much time with these people made us become much more than just teammates or friends; we became family. As cliché as it sounds, these people really are my best friends and it's amazing how comfortable you can get with such a large group of people.”

Sam cheered as a Wauseon High School cheerleader, and this has helped her be able to become a great cheerleader and have passion for what she does. Sam credits her high school coaches for pushing her to do the best and get through the tough times. The coaches continue to support her throughout her success. Gray explains that she has learned a lot at UC ,and college cheer is much different than high school cheer. Her favorite part about being on the UC Cheer squad is, without a doubt, the energy they bring to every game and practice. The team never fails to make her laugh. Sam’s teammates are the goofiest, most fun people she has ever been around. She would trust every single person on the team with her life, much like she does at every practice and game.

At the beginning of the year when the team started planning the routine, everyone knew the team would be good, but there was a lot of competition and the team knew it would be tough. For winning, they received a trophy, medals, championship rings, and a free trip to Disney. Sam is very proud of the team’s achievement stating “Winning this competition has been the best experience of my life, and I am so thankful for having the opportunity to do so and the people I got to share it with. I can’t wait for the years coming! Go Bearcats!”

When asked what the environment of the competition was like Sam describes it by, “Walking into the competition was an unreal experience. It was exciting yet terrifying at the same time. Walking onto the competition mat was even worse. But, as soon as ‘Down The Drive’ came on over the speakers, I felt as comfortable as ever. Game Day is what Cincinnati is known for and it is no question that it is what we do best. The energy and the passion we all have for our school is unbelievable and I love every second of it.”

We at the Red & White thank former student, Samantha Gray, for the time she spent for the interview. Also, we at the Red & White congratulate Sam on her success and wish her luck in the future!