People & Their Pets

By: Cassandra Cameron

Name: Halle Floss

What kind of pet do you have? German Shepherd

What is your pet’s name? Kaiser

Does your pet have any nicknames? Not really.

When did you get your pet? “Over Christmas break last year.”

What were the circumstances of you getting your pet? “We rescued him because his owner died of cancer.”

What special memories do you share with your pet? “I walked away for two seconds from the food I was eating and he jumped up on my kitchen table and ate it all in .2 seconds.”

Describe your pet in one word: Protective.

Explain why your pet is important to you: “He is important to me because he keeps me safe and loves me unconditionally.”

Tell one fun fact about your pet: “He likes to go on walks and play fetch with tennis balls.”

Name: Serenity Rogers

What kind of pet do you have? An English Bulldog Boxer mix

What is your pet’s name? Daisy Mae

Does your pet have any nicknames? “Moo, because she makes cow noises and has spots on her belly just like a cow.”

When did you get your pet? “Last summer.”

What were the circumstances of you getting your pet? “We wanted to get a new puppy for our family. We had one other dog at the time.”

What special memories do you share with your pet? “I took care of her all day every day last summer. I loved watching her grow and play.​​”

Describe your pet in one word: Goofy

Explain why your pet is important to you: “She makes me laugh and loves me, she makes my whole family happy and I love caring for her.”

Tell one fun fact about your pet: “She tries to eat soap, and likes it for some reason.”

Name: Megan Carroll

What kind of pet do you have? Dog - Mini Goldendoodle

What is your pet’s name? Bailey

Does your pet have any nicknames? Bailey Marie

When did you get your pet? “My family has had her for about 2 and a half years.”

What were the circumstances of you getting your pet? “My brothers and I had to help take care of her, we had to help take her on walks, give her baths, feed her, etc.”

What special memories do you share with your pet? “Honestly she just does basic dog things but I always love taking naps with her.”

Describe your pet in one word: Precious

Explain why your pet is important to you: “She is so special to me, everyone in my family treats her like a human.”

Tell one fun fact about your pet: “I have a bracelet that matches her collar, they are kind like best friend bracelets.”