Book Review

By; Katelyn Teal

The Chemist, written by “Twilight’s” very own, Stephenie Meyer, is a popular book amongst adults and teenagers today. The book follows this new heroine with a special skill which lands her in a very dangerous situation. It starts out with learning about Alex. She used to work with the U.S. government, but that was a secret nobody knew. She was also the best in her field and a dark secret of an agency that didn't even have a name. When they decided she was a weak link, they came after her, leaving her nothing. They killed the only important person in her life and now she was on the run. She couldn’t stay in one place for two long and was always changing her name. Someone offered her a way out and she realized it would be her only chance to survive and get out of the mess, but it also would mean helping them out one last time. The information she received only worsened her situation. In preparing for the biggest battle she would ever face, Alex found herself falling for a man who would only complicate everything for her. As her chances diminish, she realized she had to use her skills in a different way.

Read The Chemist to learn her secrets and join Alex in her major battle. This book is recommended for anyone who likes to read spy-action books, fictional books, previous Stephenie Meyer fans, or for anyone who just wants a good read. Stephenie Meyer is known for using bigger, more advanced wording, so be prepared to look up a few definitions. No background information is needed to understand this storyline, except maybe, previous Stephenie Meyer fans, be prepared.

The Chemist took many previous readers by surprise. Most were used to Meyer’s vampires and supernatural fantasy world, so when she decided to try a spy-action storyline, many were nervous to give the book a shot. One reader commented, “Nothing like the previous books I've read by the author but oh well. Written piece of fiction regardless. Pick it up you'll enjoy the ride!” The book keeps readers on the edge of their chair. And for the major fans of The Chemist, the “Tomorrow Studios” is going to turn this epic book into a thrilling tv show. (The release date is yet to be released).