Short Story

By: Samantha Petz

Chapter Six Blood sucker PArt Two:

Massserr! Thhherrre yooouu aaarree! I haaavee beeen loooking aaall ooover fooor yooou.” Hunchie broke my love trance as he hobbled next to me with an umbrella.

“ Hm?” My eyes never left the spot where Marie had taken off. Her beautiful, warm vanilla scent was now washed away with the rain.

Oooh looookiiiee aaat yooouu massser! All dreeenched aaannd sooaaked! Yooou wiill caaatchhh a cooold!” Hunchie fretted over me, pulling me under the umbrella.

Coome masser, I taaake yooou hoome,” he murmured.

As we walked back to our carriage in the pouring rain, I remembered why we came to the market in the first place.

“ Hunchie, did you get all of the things I had asked of you?” I asked, stopping suddenly. Hunchie smiled and nodded, nudging me into the carriage.

We took off for home and the rain seemed to continue to pour out, drenching the city of Rose. As we hurried to carry in our goods, I heard a sickening scream from upstairs.

Hunchie looked up at me expectantly. “ It seems we forgot to feed our guest,” I mumbled and handed Hunchie the bag with the meat carvings in it.

“ Take it up to him, and hurry, before he changes” I warned. Hunchie nodded and went to go upstairs but hesitating, he turned around.

Maassser, shaall I coook thiiss firrst?” he asked.

“ It shouldn’t matter to him. He can eat whatever he wants, thanks to the wolf half of him,” I mused.

Riiiight. I’ll beee baaack” Hunchie smiled and continued up the stairs.

I started to organize the contents of each bag, carefully, for my next experiment. The wire, the bleach, the wooden stakes, and the blood bags I had Hunchie buy from the black market tent. I looked back onto my formula. I would need a very much alive person for this and a very young person at that. Perhaps in their young teens, thirteen, fourteen? I shook my head with glee. Shall I make it male or female? All so many possibilities with such little time. Tonight, with the rain clouds, it was sure to be a very black night, perfect for what I was about to do.

Hunchie came back down with blood splattered all down the front of him and his eyes wide.

“ Hunchie, what has happened to you?” I asked.

Heee chaangged aaass I waass feeeding hiim annnd hee riipped thhee stteeak too a blooody puullp,” Hunchie laughed. I sighed, shaking my head.

“ Hunchie, you must be more careful around beasts like him,” I warned.

Yesss, massser,” Hunchie nodded.

“Hunchie, I’ve decided what I wanted for my next creation. I need a young girl. For this monster, shall be the first of her kind. The first female monster!” I declared. Hunchie clapped his hands, frantically.

Peeerfecct maasser! Ooh whhoo will wee takke toniight?” he asked.

“ I have a very good idea on who to go to,” I smirked. Hunchie raised an eyebrow and grinned as if reading my thoughts.

“ But for this mission, I shall go alone. I need you to go out to Greenwoods Cave and capture a vampire bat. The procedure is simple, and if you need further instruction, I have it written down on that piece of paper on the counter. Can I trust you?” I looked at Hunchie as I shrugged on my cloak.

Yesss maasserr, I caann doo itt!” Hunchie smiled.

“ Good. Well then, good luck.” I nodded, went out the door and saddled up my horse. I rode off towards the Alexander’s place, where they were holding a gala for their daughter’s sixteenth birthday. As I walked in, music played elegantly and people talked amongst one another, sipping fine wines.

“ Mr. Jackson, such a pleasant surprise,” I heard Mrs. Alexander say behind me. I turned around and smiled generously.

“ Mrs. Alexander, it’s my pleasure to help celebrate such a wonderful girl,” I purred, taking her hand and kissing it lightly.

“ Oh, please! Mr. Jackson, call me Florence.” She batted her eyes as I let her hand go.

“ Then you can call me Vincent!” I joked. Florence cackled a laugh.

“ Oh such a flatterer. Please, Vincent, you must meet the birthday girl!” Florence smiled, taking my hand and leading me over to a group of girls who were huddled around the “birthday girl.” She was sitting on a velvet couch, with a glass in her hand, giggling along with her friends.

“ Lucy, I want you to meet Vincent Jackson. He’s a friend of your father’s,” Florence announced me to the group of girls. Lucy looked up from the gossip and blushed when she saw me.

“ Why, hello Mr. Jackson. It’s nice to see you here on such an occasion,” she smiled. The girls around her fanned themselves and blushed, whispering amongst themselves in hushed tones.

“ I wouldn’t miss this for the world, Miss Lucy,” I purred, turning on my charms. I offered my hand, bowing slightly and she took it, gracefully.

“ Well, I shall leave the two of you to catch up,” Florence smiled and walked away to get more refreshments. The music turned to my fancy and I leaned into Lucy’s ear and whispered, “ Would you care to dance with me?”

Lucy nodded and I whisked her away to the dance-floor, pulling her close to my chest with her hand in mine.

“ Miss Lucy, are you to be wed to anyone?” I murmured into her ear.

“ Please, Vincent.. Just call me Lucy. And no, I’m not currently seeing anyone,” she smiled, her cheeks flushing a bright pink. I smiled.

“ Why, do you take interest in what you see?” she asked softly in my ear. I looked into her bright green eyes and smiled.

“ And what if I do?” I teased gently, caressing a soft strand of her curly hair.

“ Then my parents would gladly accept, with you and your mansion and all,” she purred.

“ What if I didn’t want your parents to know.. What if.. I wanted to take you away on a magical journey and keep our romance a secret?” I whispered in her ear. Lucy’s eyes widened at my offer.

“ Vincent, this sounds.. So sudden.. I’m not sure,” she breathed. I took this moment to spin her around so that her back faced me.

“ I don’t have much time to spare, Lucy. I’m a young man and I do travel a lot. But as a man, I get lonely and need someone to keep me company,” I murmured in her ear.

“ Okay, yes I will go with you,” she finally agreed. Happy to hear this, I dipped her low and gave her a peck on the lips.

“ You won’t regret this, Lucy,” I purred.

“ I’m sure I won’t.” She smiled. I lifted her back up and the song ended.

“ Shall we celebrate with champagne?” I asked moments after, as she waited for me in the shadows of the courtyard.

“ Yes, but why are we celebrating out here in the dark?” she asked, taking the fizzing glass from my hand.

“ Because it’s quite peaceful out here, no sound can be heard,” I smiled. She nodded and took a sip.

“ My, this champagne tastes wonderful! What kind did you get?” she smacked her lips, tastefully.

“ I forgot the label, I think it was in French,” I grinned.

“ Whatever it is, it tastes amazing.” she continued and gulped the rest of it down. I sipped mine carefully and barely listened as she rambled on for a couple minutes. I only caught her last half of her sentence before she collapsed.

“...and you would think mother and father would…”

I looked over lazily to see that she was on the ground, sleeping peacefully. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to my horse, where I draped her across his back. I rode carefully, setting my hand on her back so that she wouldn’t fall. Luckily, no police came to stop me that night.

As I carried her into the lab, I heard the screeching and batting of wings and I knew that Hunchie did well.

Massser, weeeelcooomee hoooommeee! I seeee yoouu gooot a giiirrll!” Hunchie smiled, his face and arms covered in scratches and bite marks.

“ Hunchie, what has happened to your handsome face?” I gasped.

Tiiis buuut a scraaatchhh maaassser. Noooo wooorriees” Hunchie wiped away some trickling blood that was running down his face.

“ We need to get you cleaned up, if you want to help me with the Vampire,” I said, setting Lucy down onto the examination table.

Fiinne, buut Huunchiie isss innn noooo paaain,” Hunchie mumbled.

“ I can see that. Sit on the stool over there and I’ll be right over with the medical equipment,” I nodded over to a wooden stool next to my desk.

Yeeess massser.” Hunchie grumbled. I put on a clean lab coat and grabbed a pair of rubber gloves and a new pair of goggles, setting them carefully on my head. I then grabbed the medical tray and walked back over to Hunchie who was licking his bloody arm.

“ Stop that! You’re going to get sick from the infection,” I snapped.

“ Whaat innfeectiooon? Thheerre isss nooo greeen gooop oon myy arrm,” Hunchie protested.

“ There doesn’t have to be ‘green goop’ on someone’s arm for there to be an infection. By the way, how come every time we come in contact with an animal, you seem to get bitten or scratched by it?” I rolled my eyes.

“ Huunchiee hasss a preeeddiictiioon,” Hunchie held up a finger.

“ Oh really? And what do you suppose is that?” I asked, pouring rubbing alcohol over his arm wounds.

Huunchiie thinnkss thaaats anniimaalss arree jeeeaaalloouss off pooor Huncchie sooo theey aarre meean too hiim.” Hunchie declared.

“ Oh I see.” I pretended to sound shocked at his words as I began to stitch up the major wounds.

Mmmhmm yeesss soo pooorr Hunnchhiee hasss tooo deeeall withh meeeaan annimmaalls.” Hunchie sighed.

I bit back a chuckle as I poured more rubbing alcohol onto a piece of cloth and patted it over his face wounds.

“ There, all better. Now let’s begin the experiment of our first female monster, the Vampire,” I declared.

Hunchie went to jump up from excitement, but forgot he was sitting on the stool and fell, face first onto the ground with a loud, THUD!

Oooouchhhiiee,” Hunchie grumbled.

“ What am I to do with you, my friend?” I sighed, helping him up.