
By: Rylee Campbell

Name: Sydney Darnell

Age: 18

What is senioritis: It is when you’re in your last year of high school and you do not have motivation to do anymore work.

When do you think people get senioritis: The first day of senior year

When should it be acceptable to get senioritis, compared to when people get it: It should be acceptable at anytime, because it’s understandable that mostly everyone would want to get out of high school.

Does everyone get senioritis: Try-hards will say that they don’t get it, but I think everyone does at some point.

Do you yourself have senioritis, and if so, how have you changed: Yes, I am so done with high school. I cannot wait to get out of here because this has been the worst 4 years of my life.

Name: Kate McKean

Age: 17

What is senioritis: When you’re a senior (or younger) and you lose all motivation to do any work.

When do you think people get senioritis: Freshman year.

When should it be acceptable to get senioritis, compared to when people get it: As soon as possible.

Does everyone get senioritis: Not everyone, but pretty much.

Do you yourself have senioritis, and if so, how have you changed: I guess I have it. I have no motivation to study like ever, but then again that’s normal.

Name: Reagan Spadafore

Age: 18

What is senioritis: When you just stop giving a crap, mainly about school.

When do you think people get senioritis: It started junior year for me, but mostly senior year.

When should it be acceptable to get senioritis, compared to when people get it: It’s acceptable for juniors and seniors; freshmen and sophomores have it easy.

Does everyone get senioritis: Nope, Ally Tefft is still going.

Do you yourself have senioritis, and if so, how have you changed: Yep. Every care I used to have about grades has been shot down

Name: Chloe Lane

Age: 18

What is senioritis: When you’re a senior and you don’t care about school anymore

When do you think people get senioritis: Senior year

When should it be acceptable to get senioritis, compared to when people get it: It's always acceptable

Does everyone get senioritis: At some point, yes

Do you yourself have senioritis, and if so, how have you changed: Not yet but I’ll probably have it soon.