Blast from the Past

By: Lexi Sauber

Two words: Big hair. From the hard rock music, to the crazy fashion, and the excessive amount of hairspray, the 70’s and 80’s were the decades everyone wanted to grow up in. They were the periods of change in American society. It may be hard to think that at one point in time, our own teachers use to be young rebellious teenagers, just like us. But, believe it or not, some of our own teachers at Wauseon High School were lucky enough to experience the perm and bright blue eye-shadow era.

Mrs. Thomas

What high school did you attend? Wauseon High School.

What did you do after high school? Went to Capital University.

When did you realize that you wanted this occupation? Once I had kids.

How long have you been at WHS? 5 years.

Mrs. Hanson

What high school did you attend? Anthony Wayne High School.

What did you do after high school? Went to BGSU.

When did you realize that you wanted this occupation? Freshman year of high school.

How long have you been at WHS? I used to teach at Napoleon, but I have been at Wauseon since 2003.

Mrs. Miller

What high school did you attend? Otsego High School.

What did you do after high school? Went to BGSU.

When did you realize that you wanted this occupation? Elementary school.

How long have you been at WHS? 10 years.

Mr. Colon

What high school did you attend? Wauseon High School.

What did you do after high school? Attended Kent State University for a BA in art education.

When did you realize that you wanted this occupation? Early in high school I realized that I wanted to teach. I considered ART or forestry education, well... as you may have guessed, Art was the winner.

How long have you been teaching? 17 years.