
Barak Varr



Karaz a Karak

Opis [Dwarfs p. 254+]



Góra Gunbad - jedyne źródło bryndurazu, utracona na rzecz Goblinów. [Dwarfs p. 261/262]

Karak Azgaraz

Twierdza Nieustraszonych Toporów

Until a few centuries ago, it enjoyed rich resources of gold and silver, but now these veins are largely mined out, forcing the hold to rely on trade with the Empire to make ends meet. Its treasure stores are modest in the eyes of dwarfs, but to men the wealth of Karak Azgaraz is legendary, and attracts human merchants willing to brave the highlands.

King Thuringar's aggressive tactics have allowed Karak Azgaraz to seize the initiative from the green skins. Prospectors from the hold are now able to strike for gold in the highlands mostly unmolested by raiders, and trade between Karak Azgaraz and the Empire is much less perilous.

Some dwarfs journey farther afield to seek their fortune. Their king can ill aff ord to lose even a single warrior, so would be adventurers must win Thuringar’s assent for their departure.


Żelazo, miedź, cyna. Marginalne (obecnie) złoża srebra i złota. Ubersreik is the main gateway for master crafted metalwork, powerful ales, and furs from the karak.

The hold is suspicious of its westerly neighbours, the Bretonnians. Smugglers operate out of Parravon, running Goat Kicker ale from Karak Azgaraz. The Brewers’ Guild seeks to put an end to this contraband. To his dismay, Master Brewer Hreidig Sturlosson believes that one or more dwarfs must be involved, organising this criminal trade from within the hold.


All dates translated into the Imperial Calendar.[1b]

-2000 to -1560 - Three kings of Azgaraz are slain during the War of Vengeance. The faithless Elves shall settle their debt only when they restore the three lost crowns.
-1500 - The Time of Woes. Karak Azgaraz welcomes survivors from the ruined holds of the Worlds Edge Mountains.
-1499 to -1 - The greenskin tribes encroach on our karak. Their atrocities fill a thousand pages in our Book of Grudges.
-1 - King Gullin Flamemane and his throng fight at the Battle of Black Fire Pass. Gullin’s rune-axe settles six score grudges against the greenskins.
1111 - Karak Azgaraz endures the Black Plague. Our warriors scour the Skaven from the Underdeep. Ten thousand grudges upon their kind!
1522 - The last of our wutroth groves succumb to rootrot. Axe-parties seek timber in the wilds south of the mountains, but none return. Our first grudge against the woodfolk of Athel Loren is recorded.
1707 - Our throng musters to help defend Übersreik against the Ironclaw tribe. Alas, superior numbers force our throng to retreat and the Orcs raze the city.
2302-2304 - King Zaladrin Strife-axe marches to Kislev to fight Chaos alongside Magnus the Pious. In his absence, Übersreik is ravaged by Orcs. Our karak can spare no warriors for the city’s defence. In recompense, Zaladrin sends our finest craftsmen to rebuild its walls.
2318 - The dead perturb the Dwarfs of Azgaraz. King Zaladrin lays siege to the ruinous Blood Keep and slays there a Blood Knight to lay rest his unliving horde.
2452 - King Zaladrin routs the greenskins at the Battle of High Mere. The ravens feast well on grobi flesh. Alas, Zaladrin and Gunrig, his heir, are murdered by a Goblin assassin. A heinous grudge indeed! Thuringar Orc-hewer succeeds to the throne of Karak Azgaraz.


The road from the hold’s great gate skirts a small lake, Copper Tarn, at the foot of the mountain, and runs west, reaching Grey Lady Pass after two days. Another two days’ north, Ubersreik guards the head of the pass, while four days’ south lies the Bretonnian city of Parravon. A precipitous highland track leads eastwards from the hold, reaching Karak Norn after two weeks, passing a handful of smaller holds.

Forest of Athel Loren borders the Grey Mountains four days southwest of the hold.

Księga uraz

The forest of Athel Loren borders the Grey Mountains four days southwest of the hold. A thousand years ago, a woodcutting party from the karak disappeared there, and on every centenary of this outrage, a dwarf war band has entered the trees seeking revenge. With each passing century, the tally of grudges against the wood elves increases, for no war band has ever returned. Needless to say, elvish visitors to Karak Azgaraz receive an extremely unfriendly welcome.

Źródło: Book of Grudges 3ed.



Two-thirds up the western face of Eyrie Mountain, an imposing bastion bristling with cannon guards a fi fty-foot gate of brass, flanked by towering statues of Grungni and Grimnir. Over the centuries, countless greenskin armies have tried to breach the runeprotected gate, but it stands unscratched. Orc and goblin skulls are piled high at the foot of the defences.

The gate is only opened when royalty enter or leave the karak. Operated by a system of clockwork gears, its opening mimics the angry rumble of thunder. A side-door, protected by murder holes and a crack unit of Quarrellers, allows entrance for less important folk.

Zalążki przygód

Karak Azul

Eksportuje swoje wybitne uzbrojenie poprzez Karaz Ankor [Book of grudges p. 13]


Karaz Drazh

The great betrayal p. 10

Karak Hirn

Bogate złoża żelaza, złota i srebra. Centrum handlowe będące łącznikiem pomiędzy innymi twierdzami a ludźmi. [S&S, p.34]
Wydobycie i obróbka metali. []

Posiada Bramę Główną, Bramę Pasterzy, Bramę Ścieków, kopalnię Duk Grung połączoną Undgrin (poddrogą?) - 2 dni drogi na piechotę, 1 dzień kolejką parową. Skarpa Zhufgrim to pionowa ściana prowadząca z Kotła (Cauldron Lake) do iglicy Gam(a?y?) (Gam's Spire) [3rd Omnibus p. 356]

Karak Izor

Karak Izor znaczy (Twierdza?) Miedziana góra.
Bogate złoża żelaza, miedzi, cyny i innych metali. [S&S, p.36]
Wydobycie i obróbka miedzi. []
Trwają tam prace nad wytworzeniem lokalnej Poddrogi [S&S,p.36]


Karak Izril

The great betrayal p. 10


Karak (Karaz?) Kadrin

The great betrayal p. 10


Karak Krum

The hold was already considered lost before the War of Vengeance and following cataclysm. The Dwarfs there found a glowing rock and soon after, no news were heard from them in Karaz-a-Karak. A search party lead by Snorri and Morgrim found nothing but exceptionally large rats inhabiting the ruins. While fighting the rats, Snorris fingers were bitten off and we came to be known as Snorri Halfhand. [The Great Betrayal]

Karak Norn

Znaczy Twierdza Jałowe Ziemie.
Jedyne bogate złoża metali i kamieni półszlachetny w szarych górach [S&S, p.37]
Wydobycie żelaza,  produkcja statków powietrznych []

Karak Osiem Szczytów

Znajdują się tu największe skupiska żył magicznych [Królestwa Magii, str 41.]

Zwane Królową Srebrnych Głębin, Vala-Azrinlungol [The Great Betrayal p. 155]


Karak Sadra

Karak Sadra jest wspomniana tylko w „Dominion” (Krwawe potępienie) , drugim tomie trylogii von Carsteina . Ich królem był Kellus Ironhand , którego syn Kallad Stormwarden jest głównym bohaterem Dominium. Jednak, podobnie jak inne miejsca i postacie w trylogii, wydaje się, że Karak Sadra została wymyślona wyłącznie przez autora, Stevena Savile'a , aby służyć jako temat jego opowieści. [źródło]

Karak Ungor


Mistrzowie Run

Karak Varn

Opis na stronie 219. [Dwarfs]. In the Golden Age (...) the crater in which lake's depths resided were thick with seams of ore and precious gromril [Dwarfs p. 344]


Karak Vlak

The great betrayal p. 10

Karak Zorn

Legendarna krasnoludzka twierdza, zbudowana tysiące lat temu w południowej części Gór Krańca Świata. Kontakt z nią już dawno został utracony. Sam fakt, czy twierdza wciąż istnieje albo czy kiedykolwiek istniała, nie jest pewny. [fandom]


Kraka Drak



Główny dostawca Gromrilu  [Book of grudges p. 13]


Panowie Run (Runelords)

Księga Uraz

Grungankor Stokril

Władzę nad nim nadał Barundin w wieku 170 lat swemu thanowi, Tharoninowi Grungrikowi [Dwarfs p. 124]

W górach końca świata znajdują się jedyne złoża Gromrilu

Krasnoludy Chaosu


Kalendarz Krasnoludów

Miasta naziemne

Kagaz Thar [The Great Betrayal p. 82]

Karaz Bryn (Silver Pinnacle), władca Borri Silverfoot [The Great Betrayal p. 166]

Kazad Kro [The Great Betrayal p. 82]

Kazad Mingol [The Great Betrayal p. 82]

Kazad Thrund, władca Drong the Hard oraz Helga Longplaits, współczesny Gotrekowi Starbreakerowi z Karaz a Karak [The Great Betrayal p. 335]

Krag Bryn - patrz Kazad Thrund

Krak Bryn, król Drong [The Great Betrayal p. 166]

Zakbar Varf [The Great Betrayal p. 142]