
Merwyrm - ne of the most ancient creatures to be found within the seas of the Old World, and like Sea Dragons, Merwyrm are distant kin to the mighty winged Dragons that once ruled the skies of the Known World.

Squig - goblinoidalne (?) bestie

Terrorgheist - are the largest and most ferocious bat species to have ever existed, so large and terrifying that they've grown to the size of Dragons. 

Tomb Banshees - known by the Bretonnians as Wailing Hags and to the Dwarfs as the Freezing Shriek, or just simply Banshees, are the bitter, restless spirits of long-dead sorceresses, enchantresses and witches that have in life plagued the lands of the Old World for centuries. They fear crossing the void to face whatever punishment awaits them for their evil deeds, and so it is an easy matter for a Vampire to bind them to his service

Troll - Kulgur - the art of cooking Troll. Kulgrik - gulasz z trolla. Ogry tego nie jadają, bo dostają gazów [Runefang p. 170]

Żmija bagienna z Moussillon - Undeath Ascendant p. 54., śmiertelnie niebezpieczna

Shaggoth - Dragon Ogre Shaggoths are Dragon Ogres of exceptional size, age, wisdom and martial power. They are living legends of carnage and devastation. [->Malekith A tale of the Sundering, p. 132]


Wampiry nie tworzą sztuk. It was true: Detlef could not think of a single great contribution to the arts - or to much else, besides bloodshed - that had been made by one of the undead. [The Vampire Genevieve p. 235] Ale na stronie 67. jest wymieniona książka napisana przez Genevieve.

Vempire couples were the worst, becoming more dependent upon each other with the passing centuries, more contemptuous of the rest of the world, more callous, more murderous. Each beacome the only real thing in the other's world. Eventually (...) they became one creature in two bodies, a berserk feeding beast that had to be stopped with silver and hawthorn [The Vampire Genevieve p. 235]

Według ojca Blanda z zakonu Morra Most people got it wrong adn thought it was enough to sink a stake into the heart or spear the undead standing up. Impalement was merely a preliminary binding, fixing the monster (...) to th e holy earth. [The Vampire Genevieve p. 715]


Unicorn males did not last long after the kill. (...) It's the nature of the beast (...) There's some magic in their make-up. Unicorns live well beyond their time, and when death catches up with them, so does decay.
Wypita krew jednorożca "will put iron in your bones, fire in your heart. Libertines in Middenheim swear by the otency of unicorn blood. You'll partake of the virility of the stallion. You will sire many fine sons. (...) For an instant, he saw his companions as if they work masks, masks reflecting their true natures. [The Vampire Genevieve p. 308-309]

Only the female unicorn yields ivory. The stallions we saw today were poor things beside a unicron mare. They are taller, swifter, beardless, possessed of an almost human intelligence. (...) Each tribe consists of a mare and six or eight stallions.  (...) Mothers gore their female foals at birth. Only the strongest survive to adulthood, to gather their own tribes. Unicorns mares are the longest-lived of natural animals, suviving several generations of stallions. [j.w. p. 319-320]

The saying: of those who hunt the unicorn mare, one comes home and he alone. It's commonplace in the Drak Wald, and in north .

Traditionally, they could only be stalked between the winter solstice of Mondstille and the new year celebrations of Hexenstag. [j.w. p. 320]