Addiction Medicine Program Description

Steps for assessing and screening new and returning patients.

    1. Initial case review

  • Our case manager will ask you basic eligibility questions to determine if the program may be a good fit for your needs.

    1. Behavioral Health Intake

  • A behavioral health provider will meet with you for an hour intake appointment.

  • You will be asked to arrive early to complete paperwork before your appointment.

  • The evaluation will include a full substance use and mental health history. Referrals and a treatment plan may be identified.

  • Please bring your previous records to this appointment if you have them available.

    1. Medical Pre-Screen (if indicated)

  • A medical provider will meet with you for a half hour appointment. You will be asked to provide a urine drug screen. You may be asked to get lab work (blood draw) done. Your current medications and other medical conditions will be reviewed.

    1. Addiction Medicine Evaluation

  • A waivered prescriber and a behavioral health provider will meet with you for 30-60 minutes.

  • This is first appointment that buprenorphine prescription might be considered.

  • If you are eligible for your program, your providers will determine if you are a maintenance patient (currently taking buprenorphine) or an induction patient (not currently taking buprenorphine).

    1. Maintenance Patients

  • You may be eligible for an initial prescription. Initial prescriptions may be for a few days up to one month. You will be expected to follow through with other treatment recommendations during that time.

    1. Induction Patients

  • You may be eligible for an initial prescription. Initial induction prescriptions are for one day. You will be expected to take your prescription to your pharmacy and return to the clinic with your medication.

  • You will take your initial dose in the clinic and will be asked to stay on site and/or available for up to three hours. Once deemed medically stable, you may be discharged to go home. You will have an appointment the next day to meet with your providers and may be eligible for a longer prescription (up to one week).

  • Failure to follow these procedures may temporarily disqualify you from receiving additional buprenorphine prescriptions.

    1. Follow-up Appointments

  • Follow up appointments will be scheduled based on your providers' recommendations. They may be scheduled weekly, every two weeks, or monthly.

    1. Annual Review

  • Treatment goals, including progress and barriers over the past year, will be reviewed with all patients annually. This review helps you and your treatment team decide what is right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to start the program?

The entire assessment and induction process may take a few weeks. We understand the importance of continuing medications and access to care.

  • What can I do if I’m running out of medications or in withdrawal?

We may be able to help with withdrawal medications. Please ask your provider.

  • What if my prescription is only for pain?

If you are receiving/seeking buprenorphine ONLY for pain, you are not eligible for our program. Our program is only for patients with substance use disorders (who may or may not also be treated for pain).

  • What are some other reasons someone might be ineligible for or discharged from this program?

People may be ineligible/discharged if they are using and/or continue to use other substances, do not keep scheduled appointments, fail to follow through with treatment plans, demonstrate a lack of respect for clinic staff and providers, or present with other concerning behaviors.

  • What if I’m ineligible for WHCHC program?

We are happy to help provide behavioral health and medical services, including therapy, non-controlled medications to help with symptoms and/or withdrawals, consideration of oral or injectable naltrexone, and referrals to other providers and clinics.

  • What if I’m discharged from the WHCHC program?

If you are no longer eligible to receive buprenorphine, we can call in non-controlled withdrawal medications and naloxone to your regular pharmacy. You can also contact Kū Aloha Ola Mau in Hilo at 808-961-6822 as you may be eligible for methadone or suboxone through their clinic. A list of current buprenorphine-waivered prescribers can be found here.

Who can I call for more information?

  • Our case manager is available for non-urgent questions during regular business hours at (808) 640-9566.

  • For urgent questions during or after business hours, please call the main clinic at (808) 326-5629.

  • If you are experiencing a mental health crisis you can call the access line at 1-800-753-6879

    • Available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

**In an emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.**

Application Information

  • To schedule an appointment, call (808) 326-5629

  • Please complete the WHCHC Addiction medicine paperwork below prior to your appointment.

WHCHC Controlled Substance Treatment Agreement and Informed Consent.pdf

WHCHC Addiction Medicine Printable Forms

WHCHC Addiction Medicine Program documents to fill out before your appointment.

Includes: Controlled Substance Treatment Agreement and Informed Consent Form, Addiction Clinic Information, Intake Assessments, Addiction Clinic Non-Adherence Form, Marijuana and Controlled Substances Policy, Buprenorphine Consent Form, and Addiction Clinic Treatment Guidelines.