How to Help

How to help a loved one and yourself start to heal

Talk to them

Let them know your concerns in a nonjudgmental way. The person may feel shameful or not recognize they have a problem, so you may need to bring up your concerns.

Be Supportive

Stay calm don't react too emotionally, and don't give up on them. Remember it is the disease you hate and not the person. Praise all the steps taken toward recovery and try to be hopeful and positive. Be patient since recovery can be a long process and relapse is a symptom of their disease.

Call the Hawai`i CARES Line (800) 753 6789

A free mental health and substance use call line that provides support 24 hours a day.

They support adults and adolescents through crisis, treatment, and recovery

For more information Check out their website at

Reach out to your healthcare provider

Ask for help. If they cannot help you, find a medical provider who can. Substance use disorders are medical conditions your medical provider should be able to treat you or connect you with someone who can treat you.

Learn more about addictions and substance use.

Educate yourself on what addiction is and how it affects the biology of the brain. See our Addiction Information page for some information

Change your language - words cause stigma

Stop using "addict" and "substance abuse"

See the worth in all people, all persons deserve to feel respected. Watch the following video to learn about how words have power.

Talk to someone who can relate

Call the ‘Ohana Coaches at 808-523-7550

What is the ‘Ohana Coach Program?

The ‘Ohana Coach Program is a Peer to Peer Support program using local, trained volunteer coaches (via CMC: Foundation for Change and Partnership to End Addiction) to provide support and resources for people who have experienced loved ones dealing with substance use issues. This program is supported by the Hawai’i Rural Health Association and the Hawai’i Opioid Initiative.

How can I connect with an ‘Ohana Coach?

Call the ‘Ohana Coach Referral Line: 808-523-7550 to be connected to the on-call member of the ‘Ohana Coach Referral Committee. They take calls 7 days a week between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. You can also leave a voice message. This Referral Committee Member will match you with an ‘Ohana Coach, who will contact you within 24 hours.

What kind of support does the ‘Ohana Coach provide?

‘Ohana Coaches will work with you for up to 5 phone calls (maximum 1 hour each call) at the Coach’s and your convenience. The calls are usually weekly, but scheduling is flexible. Once the 5 calls have been completed, you can be assigned to a different Coach for continued support over another 5 calls.

‘Ohana Coaches cannot provide professional counseling or substance treatment services in their peer capacity. They are trained as confidants and peers, providing FREE emotional support and coping resources for people whose family members or loved ones are dealing with substance use