WSU - MSE Program Change

WSU updating its Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Program - This Group transition into Numerical Computing Working Group


  • K. Sivakumar, WSU: Executive Committee Representative

  • Eric Davishahl, Whatcom CC

  • John Swensen, WSU

  • Scott Beckman WSU

  • Charlotte Goddard, UW

  • Edwin Lim, Tacoma CC

  • Carol Hsu, Clark College

  • A. Venkatachalam, Everett CC

  • Rebecca Sliger, Tacoma CC

  • Ruth Anderson, UW

  • Nathan Kutz, UW

Kick off meeting: December 8th, 2020

Email Siva for meeting information.

Meeting notes shared by by Carol Hsu:

Here were 11 attendees from universities and community colleges around WA, and Siva has the sign in list.

1. Material Science Engineering at WSU update by Scott Beckman:

a. Scott shared the philosophy of the proposed changes at WSU, mainly advisory board and national material science engineering trend.

b. After Scott reviewed the changes, it looks like that WSU is offering students more flexibilities, i.e. Statics is now an option instead of a requirement.

c. Scott and Rebecca will update Rebecca’s advising sheet to reflect the changes.

2. Numerical Methods at WSU updated by John Swensen:

a. John shared that he observed some ‘gaps’ in analysis using computation tools at upper division classes. He and colleagues hence propose to ‘modify’ the EE221 (CC equivalent Engr 240) curriculums.

b. After the discussion, the group think it will be a good idea to form a group and work on this topic.

i. Is it possible to make it language independent?

ii. Is it possible to have one course taught by CC that will satisfy all the transfer universities?

c. The group think it will be good to send a request to the general WCERTE members to get all the stake holders.

WCERTE Working Group, Dec 08, 2020, meeting attendees

The following email was sent to the WCERTE email list from Siva. After a few more emails Eric responses with a proposal for the creation of the WSU-MSE Working Group.

(November 20th)

Dear WCERTE Members:

At the Nov. 6 meeting I mentioned about upcoming changes to the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) program and to the numerical computing/programming course for Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and MSE programs at Washington State University. The attached documents contain details for the three programs. If you have additional questions, there is contact information in each document.

Thank you,


K. Sivakumar

Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture

Washington State University

(December 2nd)

Hi all,

This seems to me like a good project for a working group that could meet a few times in the coming months to hash things out and report back to WCERTE at our regular spring meeting...whatever “regular” means these days. I’d be happy to serve on that working group and could be available at 9am on Dec 8 or Dec 10.

One clarification question I have: Are we focused here on the Matlab/Python/numerical computing issue? If so, will the WSU program faculty who are available include the relevant people in MME and CE?



Eric Davishahl

Associate Professor

Engineering Program Coordinator

Whatcom Community College


ME computing course change.pdf
EE221-CE321 computing course change.pdf