
JTC Work Group Computer Science Statewide Transfer Degrees


This work group will be reviewing the AS-Track 2 statewide transfer degree and two MRPs with one based on the DTA and the other on the AS-T.

WCERTE's role in this Work Group will be for interested members to use this Google site to review the associated documents, provide public comment using Google forms, and contact the WCERTE members directly if needed.

WCERTE Members


Final Work Group Recommenations to JT_4.26_22_final.pdf
CS MRP_AST_Final Draft_4.29.22.pdf
CS MRP_DTA_Final Draft_4.29.22.pdf
CS Degree_Review_2021 Work Group.pdf

May 3, 2022 Email to Joint Transfer Council to present CS  DTA & AS-Track 2 CS MRP

Dear JTC:


Hope you are well. I am writing to share with you the final work of the JTC Computer Science Work Group.  The Work Group held its first meeting in December and met bimonthly through the end of April. The Work Group reviewed the current Computer Science DTA/MRP, the AS-T Track 2 which includes computer science and a new proposed degree initiated by WACSE to create an Associate of Science-Transfer Track 2/MRP in Computer Science.


Attached are two proposed degrees for consideration by JTC to advance for sector review.



In addition, to the collaborative and student centered work on the proposed degrees, the Work Group spent considerable time in discussions. Discussions throughout our time together focused around reducing barriers for students interested in obtaining a baccalaureate degree or related degree in computer science, aligning curriculum and understanding the curricular requirements across institutions and providing clearer and more transparent advising to allow for greater transferability and flexibility and more informed decision-making for students. From these discussions a set of recommendations emerged as JTC considers potential revisions and changes to the current transfer policies and practices. 



I want to thank the members of the Work Group (attached) for their time and most importantly their engagement. This experience both informed institutional policies and practices and state level policies and practices. In addition, this work was collaborative and my partners Shea Hamilton – ICW and Val Sundby – SBCTC were critical to our success.


We look forward to engaging with JTC at the May 12 meeting.  Please let me know if you have any questions.


Julie Garver (she/her/hers)

Senior Director of Policy and Academic Affairs| Council of Presidents

Tel: 360.292.4102 l jgarver@councilofpresidents.org

| councilofpresidents.org | Twitter: @CouncilofPresWA


Background Document

Background Document.pdf

JTC Work Group Members

CS Degree_Review_2021 Work Group.pdf

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities.pdf

Statewide Transfer Degree Process

Statewide Transfer Degree Process.pdf

ABET Accredited Institutions

ABET Accredited Institutions.pdf