April 10, 2020 1:00pm - 2:00pm

We will get all WCERTE business done quickly at the beginning of the meeting to allow for more time for the school share out.

The Zoom meeting will run until 3:00pm. We will create break out rooms (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbPpdyn16sY) for participants engage in topics that come up or you wish to discuss.

Proposed Agenda:

1. Fall WCERTE Meeting planning - postponed ASEE/WCERTE joint meeting

The ASEE PNW Section Conference organizing committee has rescheduled the PNW ASEE/WCERTE 2020 Conference. The new dates for the conference will be November 4th to 6th, 2020. As such, we have also reopen the call for paper submissions. Below are the new deadlines and attached is the revised author kit.

Deadlines (NEW)

Abstract submission opens: Apr. 10, 2020

Abstract submission: Aug. 7, 2020

Abstract notification: Aug. 21, 2020

Draft deadline (for full paper): Sep. 18, 2020

Draft notification: Oct. 2, 2020

Final paper upload: Oct. 9, 2020

2. Update to Charter - Joint Transfer Council MRP approval

proposing yearly updates via State Charter Working Group and approval during Fall's meeting

3. Executive Committee membership - looks good for one more year:

Pat, Mark, and Carol will serve until Spring 2021

Brian, Agnieszka, and Jeff will serve until Spring 2022

4. WCERTE Collaborations share out https://sites.google.com/view/wcerte/wcerte-course-collaboration

5. School share outs limited to 2 minutes - practice ;)

6. Open time with break out rooms that participants decide to create

Meeting minutes

School Share Out

WSU - Siva

Modified pass/fail - 2 Levels of passing C or better

Question about transferring

Provost - Remote Interviews

CS and ME will be searching

Whatcom CC - Eric Davishahl

Flat enrollment

Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience - CURE

Doubling Engineering space and co-location of offices

Launching calculus based stats course to line up with WWU and perhaps WSU. 8 students enrolled

Seattle University - Agnieszka Miguel &Teodora Rutar Shuman

Courses just started Monday and things are going well.

Synchronous with recording them as well - Zoom bombing issues

Pass/Fail options for students unless grade prerequisite

Engineering retrobuild

Transfer students can Zoom with them. They will Zoom.

Teodora Rutar Shuman adds president search is going forward - the pedagogy has been flipped and using the synchronous for questions and problem solving.

Because of the lab heavy - solutions have been found - electronics equipment has been sent home. Robotics codes are being sent so students see the robot moved by code via instructors.

1,2,3rd year students - 130 students on 17 teams all taking NSF Red Grant - tasked to solve a problem around the coronavirus - with industry partners.

Edmonds Community College - Chuck Mueller

New building just opened up

Will Hamp has earned tenure

Delay of one week for online prep

Rob White from Automation ATE Degree and AAS Robotic and Information Technology AAST changes AMMET.

Clark College - Carol Hsu

Spring quater starts on the 20th. 15 minutes takes four hours - not going to be a Youtuber ;)

Is Panopto the best video resource?

Funding secured for laptops for students.

Graduation will be virtual - interm-President. Work with transferring schools for pass/fail or grades

They had been picketing..and they have the

North Seattle - Jae Suk

Looking for one instructor in Engineering - flat enrollment.

EWU EE program will stop at North

ENGR 204 - no lab

Starts on Monday

Zoom rather than Panopto

Save .mp4 file, upload to Panopto and it is connected to Canvas

How will you give them an exam?? Honor

St Martins University - Jae Chung

Pass and Not Pass Options or Letter Grade

Freshman introduction

Masters of Science in Civil Engineering

Materials Labs will be during the summer

WSU Everett - Pam Louglin

Ordering parts for senior projects or picking them up on campus

Standard letter grades or Pass or PE do not impact GPA - June 1st to decide

Zoom advising

UW Seattle - Charlotte Goddard

How are students using the U-App and making sure students are taking appropriate classes

Shared some information via the Chat

Tacoma CC - Edwin Lim

Pass/Fail will be discussed

ENGR 104 - will not be offered added and ENGR 114

Bellingham Tech College - Tim Ewing

Update on Program

Limited transfer options

COP - Julie Garver

Have been working with SBCTC/ICW/JTC

Put some things into the chatroom - (Pat will be posting at the end of this)

We know students will go out of state ~ so how will they deal with this country wide

Thanks to all that attended...transitioned to a faculty discussion on:

Went to video conversation (not well captured)



Zoom sessions being

How to give exams: different problem set, using video to watch hands, Canvas quiz,

From Carol's President

We won't strive for perfect ~ but we want to trust everyone.

Online proctoring package -

Zoom Group Chat Below:

From Council of Presidents to Everyone: 01:08 PM

Really appreciate all of structure and framework. If we pursue other faculty led discipline groups this will be helpful in setting those groups up. Thanks. Julie CoP

From Timothy Ewing to Everyone: 01:10 PM

Any thoughts on P/F or S/U grading for spring?

From Council of Presidents to Everyone: 01:11 PM

COP thumbs up

From Pam Loughlin to Everyone: 01:18 PM

STAT 360 and 370

360 is Probability and Statistics (for EE and SE students)

From Eric Davishahl to Everyone: 01:19 PM

The WCC course will be equiv to STAT 360. We'll submit an eval request once materials are ready.

From Pam Loughlin to Everyone: 01:19 PM

Thanks, Eric!

From K Sivakumar to Everyone: 01:20 PM

Eric: WIll be happy to coordinate as needed for transfer to WSU

From Edwin Lim to Everyone: 01:26 PM

For engineering club's advisor, I just found a possible competition and activity for students to participate regarding Solidworks: https://academy.3ds.com/en/poty2020?utm_campaign=2020-02-wofacademy-potyww_OP59663&utm_content=2020-04-3dxedu-alwayson-edu-ww_DM949439&utm_medium=&utm_source=

From Teodora Rutar Shuman to Everyone: 01:29 PM

Carol, how about Camtasia?

From Carol Hsu (Clark College) to Everyone: 01:32 PM

I bought Camtasia last fall, I have not tried it yet. If it is better than Panopto, I might as well learn that instead :)

From Teodora Rutar Shuman to Everyone: 01:36 PM

Carol. I don't know Panopto. Camtasia is pretty easy to use. But, for every 15 minutes of lecture, it takes me 3 hours of editing

From Charlotte Goddard to Everyone: 01:37 PM

remote instruction resource created for UW students and faculty. has thoughts and recommendations WRT academic misconduct. https://www.engr.washington.edu/online-learning

From Teodora Rutar Shuman to Everyone: 01:37 PM

Jae Suk, Our faculty are using Zoom during exams to watch what students are doing.

From Tucker Howie to Everyone: 01:39 PM


From Carol Hsu (Clark College) to Everyone: 01:39 PM

Our school just reminded us about recording zoom. The attorney general of Washington said, you have to get ok from 'all' before you can record.

From Council of Presidents to Everyone: 01:46 PM

Suggest you check out the Joint ICW/COP/SBCTC academic statement which speaks to grading re: high school credit coursework and college credit bearing coursework https://councilofpresidents.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Joint-Academic-Statement.pdf

Also several other statements https://councilofpresidents.org/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-information-resources/

From Pam Loughlin to Me: (Privately) 01:47 PM

Hi Pat, Siva and I were discussing the P/F grading from the CC's. Could you inquire if any of the colleges represented have implemented mandatory P/F grading?

From Jae Suk to Everyone: 01:57 PM

I have to leave because I have other zoom meeting. I’m sorry for leaving early. Please send the recording.