AutoCAD Working Group

Update 05/06/2022

The course common numbering for ENGR& 154 - Construction Graphics have been approved by the Articulation and Transfer Council (ATC), and they are now moved forward to the Instruction Commission (IC) for final approval in their Fall 2022 meeting. After IC approval, this course and number will be ready for use in schedules and catalogs of Summer 2023.

Below is the CCN proposal submitted to the ATC.

Common Course Numbering_ENGR&154.pdf

Hello WCERTE -

Here are few updates from the working group (07/31/2020):

Purposes of the Survey Form

Please recall the main purposes of this AutoCAD survey form are: 1) to develop a technical drawings course (at a community college level) based on AutoCAD that is more relevant for Civil Engineering fields, and 2) to seek inputs from WCERTE members on the Course Common numbering and agreed topics coverage.

Survey Responders

Four universities and one community college responded to the AutoCAD survey sent out in Spring 2020 quarter. The universities and community college are WSU, Seattle U, Saint Martin’s University, UW Seattle, and Yakima Valley Community College (YVCC).

Summary of the AutoCAD course offered at four-year Universities

1. All universities introduce type of views common in Civil Engineering drawings and how to read engineering plans. Most universities include basic hand-drafting and 2D-3D views conversion topics as well. See the survey responses below for more detail.

2. All universities teach basic features and operations in AutoCAD.

3. Some universities only focus on the AutoCAD software in their course. On the other hand, other universities introduce Civil 3D software in addition to the AutoCAD.

4. The course number at Saint Martin’s is GE103, Seattle U is CEEGR 1050, WSU is CMST 254, and UW Seattle is CEE291. Please note the course number’s level: 1xx/1xxx or 2xx at those universities.

Proposal for the Course Common Numbering and Agreed Course Topics at the Community College Level

Considering the survey responses from the university level, the working group (Rajkumar Raj/YVCC and Edwin Lim/TCC) met in Summer 2020 to discuss the course common numbering and the agreed topics for the course at the community college level. The working group proposes:

1. Using ENGR& 154 for the Course Common Numbering. The reasoning for this number is to stay as close as possible to the ENGR 254 that has been offered at YVCC while giving an impression to students that this can be a 100 level course. Therefore 154 is chosen.

2. Using Construction Graphics as the course title. This title is concise and yet general enough to cover the course contents. Please note that this is also the course title at YVCC and WSU.

3. That the inclusion of the Civil 3D software into the course at the community college level will not be specified at this point. The working group will leave it to each community college to decide.

These proposals will be presented at WCERTE’s Fall 2020 meeting for final feedback and voting.

Hello WCERTE -

Edwin Lim, Tacoma CC, has been developing a Technical Drawings with AutoCAD course and is seeking your input.

1 - Please fill out this Google form

2 - If you have specific interest please consider joining the AutoCAD Working Group. Contact Edwin Lim ( )

Technical Drawings with AutoCAD (Responses)