Vote 2021-01 - Amend MSE/MFRG clerical error

The purpose of this page is to inform WCERTE members on the reasons and process to amend the MSE/MFRG MRP.

Recommended amendment to the Effective Fall 2020 - Associate of Science-Transfer, Track 2 - Engineering Major Related Program (MRP) Agreement

Add "Calculus-Based Statistics" to the specialization course due to a clerical error not being included.


WCERTE approved "Calculus-Based Statistics" which was on the following list of elective choices (since renamed to specialization courses) at the Spring 2017 WCERTE meeting at Eastern Washington University on 4/21/17.

Process for state-wide approval of the Associate of Science-Transfer, Track 2 Engineering Major Related Program (MRP)

The following process has been discussed with the WCERTE Executive Committee and the Joint Transfer Council co-chairs.

  1. WCERTE wide email to be sent out informing of the proposal to amend.

  2. One week time to respond to the WCERTE email. (Email delivery date: 1/6/2021)

  3. The Vote 2021-01: Amend MSE/MFRG MRP clerical error will be sent to the voting members to cast their votes.(Open 1/13/21 Close 1/18/21)

  4. Results will be posted on the WCERTE site:

  5. The results of the vote will be sent to the Joint Transfer Council with a recommendation to amend if vote passes. (Email delivery date 1/19/21)

Content of the voting ballot that shall be sent to voting members of WCERTE

Vote 2021-01: WCERTE Voting Ballot - Amend MSE/MFRG MRP clerical error

Background: Due to a clerical error, "Calculus-based statistics" was not added to the specialization course list on the MSE and MFGE Pathway portion of the Associates of Science-Transfer, Track 2 Engineering Major Related Program (MRP) Agreement.

"Calculus-based statistics" should be added to the Associates of Science-Transfer, Track 2 Engineering Major Related Program (MRP) Agreement in the Specialization Courses of the MSE and MFGE Pathway.

Vote Approve or Reject

Historical data

Approved Specialization Courses


This was the document presented to WCERTE and verbally voted on and supported during the meeting.