Votes and Voting Records


When Working Groups are ready to move forward with recommendations or approval of work done, the executive committee will send out a Google Form via an email.

  • There will be only one vote per member institution. The voting members can be found here.

  • Using Google Forms to vote will enable our organization to get feedback and direction from its members throughout the year.

  • Voting institutions are those listed on the Institutional Attendance at WCERTE Meetings page on this site.

  • A majority for is required to approve any vote.

  • All votes will be public knowledge.

  • In the case of multiple votes from an institution, only one vote will count if they are of the same opinion. Differing opinions will result in an invalid vote for that institute.


This ballet should only be used by the voting member for each institution - see the WCERTE meeting attendance up to F-2020 sheet above to see who is the voting member.

Vote 2021-01: WCERTE Voting Ballot - Amend MSE/MFRG MRP clerical error (Responses)
Voting Record by Institution
Vote 2020-03: WCERTE Voting Ballot - Electrical and Compter Engineering (Responses)
Vote 2020-02: WCERTE Voting Ballot - AS Track 02 MRP Specialization course edits (Responses)

Vote 2020-01 was cancelled due to the timing of the MRP updates being released.

Vote 2020-01: WCERTE Voting Ballot - Approve MRP Working Group Updates (Responses)
Offical WCERTE Voting Ballot: Vote 2019-01 - Approve Google Forms as the WCERTE voting process (Responses)