VR notes 

Create a note

To create a note, open the tools menu and click on the notes icon.

Then, select the type of note you want to place. There are 3 types available: text, audio and image. 

Types of notes

Text notes

Select "New text note" to create a text note.

Enter a name and description for the note.

Then, choose the priority icon and click on "Continue".

Audio notes

Select "New audio note" to create an audio note.

Enter a name for the note, then record the audio.

After that, choose the priority icon and click on "Continue".

Image notes

Select "New image note" to create a image note.

Enter a name for the note, then take a photo.

After that, choose the priority icon and click on "Continue".

After completing all the above steps, you can place the note on an element of the model. 


Notes can have 3 levels of priority (low, important and urgent).

Manage notes

After creating a note, it will appear in the tool's notes panel. 

In VR, notes will appear in the menu panel. 

Click the arrow next to the note to access the edit menu. 

Click 'Go' to teleport to it. 

Press 'Name' to edit the note, then press 'Save' to save it. 

Press 'Delete' to remove the note.