Quick guide to start

VT-Platform website link

To visit VT-Platorm web, click on the following link or copy it in your browser: https://vt-platform.vt-lab.com

Download and install the apps

VR and AR applications can be downloaded from the "Downloads local applications" section of the website or via the following links:

To install the downloaded applications we must follow the instructions of the application executable.

For more information on how to download the applications, click here, and to install them here.

Register and login

To register you have to fill in all the requested data and accept the terms of use.

Then to log in to the platform you have to enter your email address and password.

Before opening the wired VR application you must connect the glasses to the computer, create the guardian system and activate the Quest link.

If you want to register click here, if you need more information click here, or if you just want to log in click here.

Invite new user

To invite a new user to your company to share projects you must do it from the "My Team" menu. 

Create projects

To create a project, you need to follow these steps:

More information on how to create your project, here. 

Manage members

To share a project to a member of your team you must do it from the "Project members" menu of the project and select manage members.

If any of your team members don't appear on the list, it is because they are not registered and you have to invite them.

Leave project

In this section you can leave the project and if you are the only user of the project you will have to delete it.

Delete projects

To delete a project, go to the VT-Platform home screen, where all the projects are located. Then click on the bin icon in the top right corner of each project and confirm the elimination of the project.

More information on how to delete your project, here. 

BIM viewer

Once you have uploaded your BIM models to a project, you can go to the "Viewer" page. Then select the model you want to view from the drop-down menu and click on "Visualize".

More information about the BIM viewer here.

At the bottom of the viewer is the viewer toolbar. From left to right, you will find the following functionalities: 

More information about the tools here.

VR and AR

To learn how to use the VR application click here.

To learn how to use the AR application click here.

If you want to know everything you can do with AR and VR tools click here.


If you have any problems with the platform, click here or contact us.