Download the apps

In addition to the web application, to use the various Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) solutions and tools, it is necessary to download the on-site applications: VT-Platform AR and VT-Platform VR.

How do you install the apps? 

From VT-Platform web, you will need to follow a few steps to download the applications: 


1- Open the website ( and log in with your username and password.  


2- Once on the platform's homepage, in the top left corner, you will find the "Downloads aplications" button. Click on it. 


3- Clicking the button will open another window where you can select the applications you want to download. To proceed, click the blue 'Download' button on the right. 


4- Some download options will directly download a file, while others will redirect you to a download page. Remember that you need a compatible device to use the applications. 

If needed, you can also download the applications from the following links:    


VR (Windows)   

VR (Stand alone)

AR (Android)  

AR (iOS)


If you encounter any issues during installation, please refer to the Troubleshooting section  

Requirements of using Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro with a computer

To view the model in VR or XR, you must have a Meta account and install the Oculus software on your computer (Air Link or link cable), which you can download here.

Once you have downloaded the Oculus software, simply follow the instructions in the executable to install it on your computer.

To use the wired VR application on your computer, you must have a compatible cable and a PC with a minimum set of features. You can check the requirements here.

Before opening the wired VR application, ensure that you connect the headset to the computer, create the Guardian system, and activate the Quest Link. 

You can check the minimum and recommended characteristics of the devices here.

Requirements of using Augmented Reality on Android and iOS

To view the model, you must have a mobile phone or tablet that supports AR. 

You can check the minimum and the recommended characteristics of the devices here.