How to prepare the models to work in VR and AR

Formats and sizes accepted by VT-Platform

The web platform supports BIM files in IFC 2x3, IFC4 y IFC 4x3 formats.

To view files in AR and VR, they must have a maximum size of 200MB. However, for optimal performance of AR and VR applications, it's recommended to keep file sizes under 100MB. 

*These limitations may vary depending on the capacity and power of the device used, as well as the complexity of the elements. The number of elements or file size may also impact performance. 

If you want to learn how to upload a model, click on the following button.

Requirements for the correct display of the model

IFC models

The application supports models in IFC 2x3, IFC4 y IFC 4x3 formats, modified by the Platform for visualization in AR and VR.

The units of the IFC model must be in meters (m).


VT-Platform is under continuous development. The requirements, features and limitations described above are subject to change.