How to export models for VR and AR

Here are the steps to export models to IFC for the VT-Platform AR and VT-Platform VR applications in the current version. 

Install the latest IFC exporter for Revit:

Autodesk frequently releases updates for its IFC exporter on its online repository to address issues. 

You can find the repository at:

On the website, search for the release corresponding to your Revit version and download the exporter from the Assets section (the installer will be in .msi format). 

How to export to IFC from revit:

The settings required to export models to IFC 2x3, 4 o 4x3 are as follows:

Coordinate base: shared coordinates

(Optional) Split walls, columns and ducts by levels.

Export only visible elements in the viewport 

Export common IFC property sets

(Opcional) Export planning tables as property sets.

(Opcional) Export user-defined property sets.


Use active view when creating geometry

* If you wish to edit parameters in VT-Platform, you can find more information here

VT-Platform is under continuous development. The requirements, features and limitations described above are subject to change.