Questions about VT-Platform

How to register on VT-Platform?

Frequent errors:

If the error persists, please contact us.

Problems with login?

If you have forgotten your password, click on "I forgot password" to recover it.

If the error persists, please contact us.

How to download the applications?

All you need to download the applications to your device can be found here:

Attention! check the intenernet connection 

If the error persists, please contact us.

What Augmented, mixted or virtual reality devices are compatible with VT-Platform?

Augmented Reality is available on any mobile device and tablet, both Android and iOS, with AR technology (most devices currently support AR).

It is worth noting that if you have an Apple PRO device, whether it’s a mobile or tablet, that contains LIDAR technology, the model positioning will be much more accurate.

Virtual Reality is available for Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro, and Meta Quest 3 headsets.

Very soon you will also be able to use VT-Platform on Apple Vision PRO.

Specifications and Recommendations for AR, XR, and VR Devices 

You can see the specifications and recommendations here:

If you have any doubts, please contact us

Why types of formats are compatible with VT-Platform?

Regarding BIM models, the format supported by VT-Platform is IFC, more specifically IFC 2×3, 4, and 4×3. In the Enterprise plan, we can enable other formats such as RVT or point cloud formats.

The issue tracking solution will allow you to import and export issues in BCF format. 

You can also upload other files such as PDFs or Images (PNG, JPG, etc.) to access them in Project files.

Contact us to learn more.

Why do we limit the size of the models?

We restrict the size of the models to improve performance in their use in Augmented and Virtual Reality, which in turn enhances the user experience and ensures compatibility with different devices and platforms. 

How do we link the BIM model with the construction site throught augmented reality?

Through VT-Platform’s digital anchor system, we simplify positioning by selecting a reference point in the web BIM model or apps, such as a pillar or corner that is easily accessible on the site.

To align the BIM model with the construction site, open the model in the AR application and select the digital anchor to place it at the chosen point. The tool allows you to move the point to fine-tune its positioning precisely.

For more information about our digital anchors, please click here.

VR application does not detect the glasses

Before opening the wired VR application you must connect the glasses to the computer, create the guardian system and activate the Quest link.

What is issue tracking?

Issue Tracking is VT-Platform’s new productivity solution for collaborative detection and resolution of incidents, through linking and comparing the BIM model with the construction site in Augmented Reality and resolving them directly from the technical office in real-time on the web or in Virtual Reality.

Contact us to learn more.

Can VT-Platform connect or integrate with other company systems?

Yes, it’s possible. In our Enterprise solutions, we offer the integration of VT-Platform with other systems through our API.

VT-Platform could connect and feed systems such as budgeting software, GMAOs, SCADAs, ERPs, ACC…

 Contact us to learn more.

How to invite colleagues on VT-Platform?

Review the features of your solution from the home page. If your current solution allows you to invite more users, enter the email address of the new user, and the platform will send an invitation email to the provided address.

Please check your spam or junk mail folder if you do not receive the email. If the issue persists, contact us.

To add or invite a user to a specific project, go to the project's user section and add them using their email address. If the problem continues, please contact us.

The model takes a long time to be uploaded and made available (Web)  

If the model takes a long time to load, it may be due to the following reasons:

*Note: It is normal for files to take a bit longer during the first load.

1. Internet connection.

2. Format compatibility.

4. The model is too large.

You can upload files up to 200MB. However, it is recommended that models do not exceed 100MB and/or 500 elements.

If the error persists, please contact us.

Model doesn't load in the web viewer

When the model is uploaded to the web platform, it is undergoing a transformation to visualise it in virtual and augmented reality applications, so the process can take a few minutes depending on the model.

I see the model as very slow

There are several reasons why the model may be slow:

How do you prepare models for viewing in VR and AR?


If the error persists, please contact us.

Can the aesthetics and content of the platform be changed? 

At the moment this option is only available in Enterprise plan.

Custom developments