Venture Capital ePitch Show   © 2021 DRG   

VC ePitch Show s a reality TV SHOW that matches 5 Venture Capitalists who listen to Elevator Pitches from companies seeking funding. The companies have been pre-selected from interesting products or concepts and is not shown on air until the company has introduced the product to the public.

Everyone has an idea for a project that needs funding and GoFundMe, Dragon's Den, Shark's Tank are just a few of the shows displaying funding projects.

The 30 Second VC Elevator Pitch is a pre-rehearsed presentation you can deliver if you step onto an elevator with the Venture Capitalist of your dreams. This VC is trapped in your elevator for the time it takes to go from the lobby to his destined floor.  His time is valuable and he will not wait for you to finish.

You have 30 seconds to capture his interest from the hundreds of presentations he has heard before. You should write your speech on paper, remove all the fluff and bumph words and recite only the most compelling words, say it out loud, rehearse and memorize it over and over until it flows naturally off your tongue.

Have a Business Card ready to present so the VC can contact you if he wishes and do not be afraid to ask for his card to send your project PDF.  Your project may not fall into his area,  but he man know another VC who specializes in your industry. Be BOLD.

There are thousands of Venture Capital Companies to draw from and many would like their name to be associated with a visual television program that draws interest from potential entrepreneur projects.  Each company has from 2-10 employees who are drawn to the VC Industry, handsome representatives who are well educated and have been hired by the VC firm they represent as a top producer.

The VC ePitch Show can start out as a weekly and progress into a daily show as many successful projects develop and this project is Franchise-able throughout North America, Asia, Europe and many foreign countries as ??? Got Talent, The Real Housewives ..., Big Brother, The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.

There is no need to "Register" as I don't collect email address's .   But if you find additional knowledge, send me a link .

- Doug   Vancouver BC Canada