Have you or your friends talked about marriage? Many people today do not believe it is as important as it was in our parents day. At one time it was not accepted to bring a child into the world without having a married couple. Same gender aside, many couples are raising a family without benefit of clergy, church or justice of the peace. Is it a big deal anymore? How do you feel?

Do you prefer to Shop in-person or online?

If you have a choice, do you prefer to shop in person or online? What are your concerns with online shopping? When using your credit card in person, do you tap to pay or manually enter your pin number? Do you find credit cards are normally safe now?

How far will you Travel during Covid 19?

Covid is generally accepted to be in our lives for another year. How far from your home are you willing to travel during this pandemic? Your work may require travel by car or plane but for pleasure only will you travel by plane to another city? What will determine your decision? Price? Lack of Covid Stories and Statistics?

When will the United States convert to the Metric System?

Only 3 countries: Myanmar (or Burma), Liberia and the United States have NOT adopted the Metric system. The USA has Measuring Sticks ( rulers ) with both inches and centimeters shown, but has stated to convert would take too much time and money now. Should this change?

Do you Question Whether Your Media is Truthful or Fake?

Do you believe what you see and hear in newspapers, on television and on social media? Do you question whether the information is truthful? If you become suspicious, how do you fact check? What do you use to confirm or deny? The Internet?