Julia Schwartz-Leeper

Meet Julia

Julia Schwartz-Leeper, LMSW, 500 CYT

200 hour YTT Kripalu 2002

Restorative Teacher Training with Sudha Carolyn Lundeen 2017

300 YTT Wainwright House 2018-2020 Paula Heitzner, Patty Holmes and Susan Wright

300 YTT Kriplau (ongoing) Meditation with Yoganand Carrol, Pranyama with Michelle Delbec, Janna Delgado & Chris Holmes

Yin Yoga Training Corina Bender

Yin Yoga with Paulie Zink

Restorative Yoga Jillian Pransky

Amy Weintraub, Yoga and Depression and Anxiety workshop(Kripalu)

Thai Yoga Massage

I have had the honor to practice and learn from so many great yogis including: Deskichar; Pattabi Jois;  and Tao Porchen Lynch, before they passed on… as well as Leslie Kaminoff, David Swenson,  Hiromi Nomato (Kaia Yoga) , Suzannah van de Wende and Petra (Cape Cod) and Will LeBlanc, Yin Yoga extraordinaire, as well as Laura Weiss from Euphoria Yoga in Woodstock, NY. Too many others to mention, but I feel them in my practice and life and I am so grateful for their teachings.

Yoga is my practice and my road map and I approach each class as an opportunity to encourage my students to be  curious and be in inquiry together.

In addition to guiding yoga classes for more than 15 years, Julia is a graduate of Columbia School of Social Work and has worked as a non profit executive and CEO for many years, specializing in working with older adults and their families to assist all people to remain part of their community, living healthy active lives.