WiTransition App

The Transition Improvement Grant has designed a transition app to increase self-direction and self-advocacy for all Wisconsin youth in the transition planning process.  The app is for students, families, schools and outside agencies to help capture a student's transition goals.  The app mirrors the Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP) within the Individualized Education Program (IEP), giving families and students an opportunity to learn about the components and steps in the PTP.  The Wi Transition App generates a report that can be shared with the IEP team, educators, families and outside agencies.  This creates a mindset that explores all transition options and encourages goal setting with the IEP and PTP.

Individuals residing outside of Wisconsin may use this free app, but it is recommended that you first check your state laws to ensure the information is applicable.  The information contained in the app is not legal advice.  Please contact an attorney in your state if you need specific advice for your Postsecondary Transition Plan.  The WiTransition App is now available in Spanish.

The WiTransition App can be accessed on multiple platforms:

Visit the Transition Improvement Grant WiTransition App web page for resources to support use of the app as well as access a paper copy.  TIG shares tips on using the app, an invitation to share with families, and sample reports.  

Access WiTranstion App materials here: 

TIGs Web Page WiTransition App