Student- Led IEP 

Student involvement in their Individualized Education Program (IEP) is crucial for developing self-advocacy skills, understanding their disability and IEP, requesting accommodations, and participating in their transition planning.  It empowers students and fosters self-determination.  Students can participate in a variety of ways that are comfortable to them, from doing introductions, sharing work, offering coffee or water as participants arrive to sharing their goals, and facilitating.  Here are various ways students of different ages can start engaging in their IEP process:

Early Elementary (Pre-K-2nd Grade):

Later Elementary (3rd-5th Grade):

Middle School (6th-8th Grade):

High School (9th-12th Grade):

General Tips for Encouraging Student Participation:

By encouraging student involvement in the IEP process from a young age, we can empower them to become active participants in their own education and transition planning. This can lead to increased self-determination, improved educational outcomes, and a more successful future.

I’m Determined in Virginia shares student led examples at different ages.

Culturally Responsive Language in Self-Advocacy