Our world in 2050, 2-4/2023

Our World in 2050 - activities from Ferbruary to March.odt

February painting exibition

The exhibition prepared by students  4 - 6th graders in  AZPO . What awaits us in 2050? What will the world look like? What will the city look like? What should we care about? What should we be afraid of?

3D exhibition " My City in 2050" prepared by 1-3rd graders in AZPO

Eco - exhibitions :

"Be eco-friendly"  prepard by primary school students in AZPO

Essay writing entitiled " The World will be more difficult to live in the future" in AZPO

CamScanner 03-16-2023 15.17.pdf
eseje 1 LO.pdf

Water Day in AZPO

Notice board

Project lessons with 6th graders

Our students prepared a notice board with some basic information  in AZPO

The author : mathematics teacher

Second graders of Primary school Barilović practised their 3D colouring skills by creating posters to celebrate World Forest Day & World Water Day.

Eight graders of Primary school Barilović talked about what they know about acid rain and mindmapped its causes, effects and solutions to mark World Water Day.

A lot of classes from Primary school Barilović like to pay tribute to  the beautiful Korana river, which runs through our village, on World Water Day. The water we drink every day comes from this river. 

During their Biology lessons, fifthgraders and sixgraders got very scientific. They did some measuring and scouting to see if there have been some changes to the previous outing. They also analyzed water drops through microscope. Everything seems to be under control for now.

Fourgraders , on the other hand, were enjoying the tranquil ambient while revising what they have learned about water so far. 

AZPO celebrates World Water Day. On this day  6th graders , under the supervision of Mrs. Anna Szalkowska and Sylwia Haska Heleniak ( Biology and Chemistry teachers) prepared a lesson for the younger classmates on the issues of protecting water resources and its occurrence on Earth. Our students carried out experiments with water in the main role examining its physical properties. We caught ice cubes on a string, we studied the effect of sodium chloride on ice, as well as the importance of the surface tension of water and its effect in nature.

Students wrote their own stories in English language . They present their preditions what can happen to the world in the distant future.
The authors are 1,2,3 rd - graders of high school in AZPO.

Clean up your local area around school ( primary school students in AZPO) - ecological lesson in the open air

My city in 2050 exhibition in Primary school Barilović

Earth Day Every Day

We have just started a week planned to raise students' awareness of environmental issues. During the whole week AZPO students will:

We make a leaflet for other schools presenting our actions in Erasmus done from Spetember to April

8th graders in AZPO created their own comics

World in 2050.mp4

Earth Day at Primary school Barilović

Papier mache  planet Earth craft by extended stay students of Primary school Barilović

Clean  up  day in Primary school Barilović

Tips to live green by the sixth grades of Primary school Barilović

8th graders in Primary school Barilović created comics to raise awareness about environmental issues. Some of them had been translated to Italian by the students who attend Italian lessons.

"Water Day- No water, no life" - 6th and 7th graders of the Gesamtschule Iserlohn went out to explore the necessity of water for living animals at the Ortlohn- Creek in Iserlohn.

collected samples

observation under the microscope

Crayfish discovery

Earth Day

Climate Change Projekt 10th Grade- The students of the science course spent several weeks in a project dealing with the causes and effects of climate change. The results were collected and presented for the Earthday schoolwide on a digital platform (Padlet, see link https://gesi.padlet.org/biancaschulte2/klimawandel-climate-change-z5c8dqe5h3t2iwsl)

Life everywhere around us- Students of the 5 th grade learned how precious even little living beings are by collecting, observing and naming insects and other small animals in the school garden.

"Garbage collection day - is every day" 

Another project to take care of our earth is the "garbage collection day". After a big trash collection day, we have set up a weekly program in which we work with students from grades 5 and 6. Together we design the trash cans of the school. 

Design garbage can

collecting garbage

"Our World in 2050"

The results of our students. 

Collected pictures from year 5. 

Comics and texts of the children.

The process of creation of the image.    

Pictures of the year 5 

Pictures of the year 5 

Our students' thoughts on the topic "our world in 2050".