Second mobility -Poland 5/2023

PROJEKT ERASMUS (1) ulotka.pdf
Meeting Agenda AZPO FijewoLubawa 8th-12th May 2023 (1) (1).pdf
Meeting Agenda AZPO FijewoLubawa 8th-12th May 2023 (1) (3) .....pdf

The second mobility in Poland

From May 8th to May 12th , 2023, Akademicki Zespół Placówek Oświatowych hosted the second of six planned mobilities of the "Think globally, act locally" project during which partner schools in this two-year long cooperation, Städt schools. Gesamtschule Iserlohn from Germany and Primary School from Barilović, visited us.

On the first day of our first meeting with students and teachers from partnering schools, we got to know each other and presented our schools to one another. Our students prepared a short welcome performance with our traditional dances and songs after which the guests introduced their schools to us through presentations and videos. 

On the first day of the mobility we went in an international Croatian-German-Polish group to Gdańsk / Gdynia/ Sopot . We paid a visit in the Aquarium in Gdynia.

Our partners could also see all the beauty of the pier in Sopot and take a long stroll along the coast of the Balic Sea.

The next point of our visit in Trójmiasto was the Old Town in Gdańsk  and the Big Wheel which was a big attraction for our guests

On 9th May we welcomed our guests to our school .

We started that day with the Headmistress speech, artistic program and school presentations prepared by the students of each school. It was aslo connected with the degustation of home-made  sweets made by Polish and Croatian students . Each school also presented all the ecological activities that have been done since the beginning of the project. We also distrubuted the leaflets showing Polish tasks in the project.

At the end of the first  active day 3rd grade students of the secondary school in AZPO activate all the partner schools in  games in which they had to use their langauge and sport skills. It helped them integrate a lot an get to know one another better.

Jacek Witkowski (3rd grade student of secondary school) took all the guests on a tour around our school dscribing the school in English language

The evening was the day of integration sports activities

On 10th May all the three schools went on a trip to Kurza Góra and Toruń. The students took a long stroll on a view point to admire the landscape of the local area.

We also visited Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń . We had a tour around microbilogy department and botanical garden , where one of the professors gave us a lecture about different species of plants that grow there.

The lectures were very interesting for our students and we got to know a lot of curiosities about plants' growth

We visited Toruń where students in mixed international groups were able to show our guests the most interesting places in this historical town. It was also a good occasion to make new friends.

On the last day of our mobility students participated in ZERO WASTE KITCHEN WORKSHOPS (in mixes international groups they could try to make our typical Polish dumplings and taste them ). It was a good day of integration between students and teachers.

Students also participated actively in two open lessons of chemisrty and English. During the chemistry lessons students could carry out some chemical experiments whereas during the English lesson they could use their ability of speaking English in practice.

The certificate ceremony and evaluation of the project

Farewell party with all our quests, Polish , Croatian and German teachers. It was a good time for all of us!

Our report about the visit in AZPO in the local newspaper