Teachers: Start Here!

Welcome! Are you passionate about creating an environment where your students contribute their voice to decisions, have choice in how they show what they know and can do, find purpose in their learning, and are agents of their own learning? You are in the right place!

Sometimes pioneering is lonely work. What can we do when we feel overwhelmed by our part in this transformation? When we have just enough cognitive calories for one question today?


How are other educators creating learner-centered environments? Check out the Padlet to the left to see elementary teachers sharing what they are trying with students...and add YOUR ideas to the wall! 

When we model connecting with others to collaboratively grow practice, our students learn the value of community, networking, sharing, and utilizing technology to put the world at our fingertips.


Are you interested in learning more about student voice, choice, ownership, purpose, engagement and more? Click HERE to see more infographics like the one right!

Click HERE to discover learner-centered resources included a crowd-sourced Google doc of things to read, info on Learning Management Systems (LMSs) that are working to shift from school-centered to learner-centered, and an exploration of what changes we can make at the classroom, school, district, and organizational levels to create learner-centered ecosystems today.

Be Inspired...

Per YouTube: Adilyn Malcolm mastered dubstep dancing by just using YouTube as her teacher. The 12 year old used the internet to stop, rewind, and watch videos of the best dubstep music dancers in the world like Marquese Scott (youtube.com/user/WHZGUD2), something she admits a traditional dance class wouldn't allow her to do. The results are incredible.


Interested in personalizing your own learning? Just like our young learners, adult learners seek engaging learning experiences through increased voice, choice, agency, and purpose. By using a learner-centered framework to understand where you've been, where you are, and where you are going, you can partner with other adult learners, your teacher leaders, principals, department members or across organizations to shift your practices to fit a learner-centered paradigm. Click HERE to learn more.


Are you looking to increase your learners' ability to learn how to learn? Check out the new American Association of School Library (AASL) standards! 

Start with these videos of learners' interpretations of the six foundations to the left.

Then dive into the larger framework of standards and competencies to see the progression of how learners will INQUIRE, INCLUDE, COLLABORATE, CURATE, EXPLORE, and ENGAGE as they THINK, CREATE, SHARE, and GROW.