Policy Recommendations
Proficiency-based systems, including those that are standards-based and those that are competency-based, necessitate policy that protects the focus on student learning. As such, districts and institutions of higher education may consider reviewing their policies in order to revise language that conflates issues such as academic achievement, behavior, attendance.
Additionally, as a result of Iowa's adoption of K-12 competency-based pathways, there is leeway in Iowa code that should be mirrored in local policy. This code [281—IAC 12.5(14) and (15)] includes provisions for parameterizing course credit by formal competencies rather than by the Carnegie Unit (seat time) and teaching concurrent courses in a single classroom by a single teacher.
Considerations for local policy review and revision:
Time allotted to complete a course after the end of a term
The definition of an "I" for incomplete work (or an incomplete course), differentiating between students attempting to maintain teacher pace and course requirements compared to those not pursuing remediation options (the is necessary for eligibility requirements as well as for general communication)
Modifying policies that tie behavior infractions to grades (attendance, late work, truancy, OSS, plagiarism, etc.)
Procedures for registrars (or those in a registrar role) to follow regarding changing grades after students demonstrate additional proficiency after the end of a term
Clarifying "unit" as defined by competencies for those courses that are competency-based (e.g., Chapter 12 does not say "four years" of English; it says "four units" of English)
Clarifying that more than one course can be taught at the same time in the same room by the same teacher only in a competency-based environment (per Chapter 12 and the Iowa CBE Guidelines)
Policy Resources from the Field
Patrick, S., Worthen, M., Truong, N. and Frost, D., Fit for Purpose: Taking the Long View on Systems Change and Policy to Support Competency Education, 2017.
Issue Brief: Aligning K-12 State Policies with Competency-Based Education: https://www.competencyworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/CWorks-Aligning-State-Policy.pdf(iNACOL CompetencyWorks)
Other Resources
The following are other resources that you may find helpful. CompetencyWorks will also provide updates on state efforts as well as provide helpful links on the CompetencyWorks Wiki.
Cracking the Code: Synchronizing Policy and Practice for Performance-Based Learning: http://www.inacol.org/resource/cracking-the-code-synchronizing-policy-and-practice-for-performance-based-learning/ (iNACOL CompetencyWorks)
Strengthening High School Teaching and Learning in New Hampshire’s Competency-Based System: http://all4ed.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/StrengtheningHSTeachingLearningNH.pdf
iNACOL State Policy Frameworks: http://www.inacol.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/iNACOL-State-Policy-Frameworks-5-Critical-Issues-to-Transform-K12-Education-Nov2014.pdf