Tears of Tyar

House Rules

These may not be kept up to date. We are using roll20 to play. We keep what rules we are using up to date there.

Character Creation

Rolling Statistics

The chosen ones roll 4d6. Reroll any ones. Keep three of the dice. "/roll 4d6r<1dl1" Do this seven times. Choose six of the seven results to use as your stats. Assign these six results to your statistics in the order of your choosing. After rolling you may elect to use the non-standard array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8 instead.

Character Options

I will consider any material published by WotC for 5e. I might be open to options from other publishers. Discuss with me what you would like.


Determine your character's maximum starting health and double it. This is the player character's health at level one. Roll as normal for every level after the first. Reroll ones (1). Take the average health each level if it would be higher than the result of the roll.

Starting Funds

Roll for starting gold. If this is less than the average, then take the average. Alternatively, take a starting kit. This is up to the player to choose which of the two they wish their character to take.

Proficiency Tools

Everybody gets one free proficiency kit to start along with the knowledge to use it.


Ammo Tracking

Pay to restock. We will not track basic ammunition.


We will not worry about encumbrance for now. Because of this, there may be times the GM will step in and declare an item or a selection of items as too heavy to be carried.


For now, player characters are limited by their ability to actually use all of their attuned items at the same time. For instance, if somebody has only two hands and two attuned items that require a free hand to use, that character would need to unattune one of those two items before attuning another magical item which requires a free hand to use.

There may be side effects to attuning more than three items at a time, but nothing that will outright prevent attuning more than three.

Sentient Equipment

There is a limit of one per character.



In the case of a tie, the player characters acts first. After that, Dex will be the tie breaker. The game is setup to where Dex sorting is handled automatically.

The DM will move the player characters in the initiative tracker after hitting the Descending button if any NPCs of a tied result was set ahead of a player character.



I plan on awarding experience for Milestones.

Milestone experience will be loosely based on defeating one or more monsters through any means along with additional experience for story beats. Substantial aid from NPCs will see the calculated monster experience split between the player character and the NPCs. For all intents and purposes, this will look like straight milestone experience. I am merely sharing what I plan to base milestone experience on so the players have some idea of what to expect.

Hero Points

We will be using the Hero Points optional rule. The rules for Hero Points are on p264 of the Dungeon Master's Guide

Additional Rules

Various rules are a bit more involved than what can be covered on this page.