Usamune ROM


Usamune ROM is a ROM hack designed to maximize the efficiency of speedrunning practice. Written in C and MIPS assembly. 

This ROM is designed for use with EverDrive-64, Project64, or Wii.

We do NOT provide user support. Do everything at your own risk.

Document URL:

Usamune ROM Manual

Update History

2023-01-02:  Released v1.93j/v1.93u/v1.93e/v1.93s/v1.93vc/SS v1.11j/SS v1.11u/SS v1.11e/SS v1.11s

★ General

  - The first release of the Usamune ROM for the EU version.

★ New features

  - Added the "Attempt Counter Filter [ATMPFLT]" function to the "HUD [HUD]" category.

  - Added the "Default Swimming Strength [DEFSWIM]" function to the "Default [DEFLT]" category.

  - Added the "DDD Manta [DDDMANT]" function to the "Stage [STAGE]" category.

  - Added the "Fade [FADE]" option to the "Real Timer [REALTMR]" function.

  - Added the "Once [ONCE]" option to the "Stage Text [STGTXT]" function.

  - Added the "☆x16 [☆x16]" option to the "For 16 Star [FOR☆16]" function.

  - Added the "☆x19 [☆x19]" and "☆x20 [☆x20]" options to the "For 70 Star [FOR☆70]" function.

  - Added the "Non-Stop [NONSTP]" and "Category Extensions [CATEXT]" options to the "Preset [PRESET]" function.

★ Changes

  - Added the "Default [DEFLT]" category.

  - Added the "Default Cursor [DEFCURS]" function to the Singlestar version.

  - Change(s) to the "Savestates [SSTATES]" function

    ・Increased the number of slots from 6 (0-5) to 9 (1-9).

    ・Added the swimming strength value, teleport flag, and checkpoint flag to the save target.

    ・Now checks if the area you are currently in matches the area where the state was created when loading a state.

    ・Now displays the currently selected save slot when creating a state.

  - Change(s) to the "Memory Viewer [MEMORY]" function

    ・Can now display up to 5 values.

    ・Added the "Hexadecimal 8-bit [X8]", "Hexadecimal 16-bit [X16]", and "Unsigned 32-bit [U32]" display options.

  - Change(s) to the "Level Reset" function

    ・Now resets the camera states properly (e.g. in DDD Sub star).

  - Change(s) to the "Section Timer [SECTMR]" funtion

    ・Now works through the teleporters (e.g. in BoB King Bob-omb star).

  - Change(s) to the "RTA Timer [RTATMR]" function

    ・Now recalculates the time twice after collecting a star / fadeout, makes it as accurate as the "Real Timer [REALTMR]" function.

    ・Entering a secret level mid-stage RTA no longer resets the timer when the "Auto [AUTO]" option is selected (e.g. entering CotMC mid-HMC Stage RTA).

    ・Slightly altered the framerate used for the time calculation in the "N64 [N64]" platform mode.

    ・The "BOTH" option has been renamed to "COMB".

    ・The "START" text no longer disappears before the screen transition is complete.

  - Change(s) to the "Dust Counter [DUST]" function

    ・Now counts dust more accurately.

  - Change(s) to the "Fade Timer [FADETMR]" function

    ・Now works on the death stage exits.

  - Change(s) to the "Misc Timer [MISCTMR]" function

    ・Now shows the misc time of the minigame timer when it's displayed.

    ・The "Ride [RIDE]" option now works when riding the WDW elevator.

    ・The "Enemy [ENEMY]" option now works when killing a Whomp / activating a Unagi.

    ・The "Long Jump [LJ]" option now works on slide kick, and has been renamed to "Long Jump / Slide Kick [LJSLDK]".

    ・Some options have been renamed ("BOX" -> "EXCLBOX", "HITWALL" -> "WALLHIT", "GRAB" -> "OBJGRB").

  - Change(s) to the "Attempt Counter [ATTEMPT]" function

    ・The successful count now increments on the CotMC entry.

    ・The maximum count has been changed to 999.

    ・Has been moved to the "HUD [HUD]" category. 

  - Change(s) to the file functions

    ・Now stores the original number of lives when they're activated.

    ・Changed the number of lives to be more accurate to actual runs' situations.

    ・Changed some files on Shindou to not assume the use of LBLJ.

  - Change(s) to the "In-Game Menu [INMENU]" function

    ・Now resets the timer even when entering the stages from the paintings.

  - Change(s) to the "Special Triple Jump [STJ]" function

    ・Now changes the Yoshi flag and the number of lives accordingly.

  - Change(s) to the "Preset [PRESET]" function

    ・No longer overwrites the load button setting for the "Savestates [SSTATES]" function.

    ・Now automatically switches back to the "Custom [CUSTOM]" option when overwriting the user's custom settings.

    ・Tweaked the "Practice [PRACTICE]" and "Singlestar [SGSTAR]" presets.

    ・Some presets have been renamed ("OFF" -> "CUSTOM", "DEF" -> "VANILA").

  - Change(s) to the "Input Display [INPUT]" function

    ・Changed the large analog stick texture.

  - Change(s) to the "Default RNG [DEFRNG]" function

    ・Added the "VALUE" text to the edit screen.

  - Change(s) to the "Non-Stop [NONSTOP]" function

    ・Has been renamed from "NONSTP" to "NONSTOP".

  - Change(s) to the "Level Select" menu

    ・Added a feature that allows you to copy the level IDs of the selected level to the "CUSTOM" level by holding the Z button for 0.5 seconds.

    ・Enabled the level hotkeys.

  - Change(s) to the menus

    ・Changed the cursor texture.

    ・Changed the display coordinates slightly.

★ Bug-fixes

Coming Soon...

2021-05-20:  Released v1.92j/v1.92u/v1.92s/v1.92vc/SS v1.1j/SS v1.1u/SS v1.1s

★ General

  - The first release of the Standard Usamune ROM for Shindou.

  - Added menu functionality to the Singlestar Usamune ROM.

  - Improved the menu GUI.

  - A lot of bug-fixes.

★ New features

  - Renamed "Spawn [SPAWN]" category to "Stage [STAGE]" category.

  - Renamed "Text Scroll [TXTSCRL]" function to "In-game Menu [IGMENU]" function.

  - Added "Default Red Coin [DEFRED]" function to "Reset [RESET]" cateogry.

  - Added "Default Cursor [DEFCURS]" function to "Reset [RESET]" cateogry.

  - Added "Random Stage [RANDSTG]" function to "Reset [RESET]" cateogry.

  - Added "JRB Mist [JRBMIST]" function to "Stage [STAGE]" cateogry.

  - Added "Moat Water Level [MOAT]" function to "Stage [STAGE]" cateogry.

  - Added "Preset [PRESET]" function to "Misc [MISC]" category.

  - Added "In-game Menu" option to "Life Display [LIFE]" and "Star Display [STAR]" functions.

  - Added  new "Normal" option to "PSS / KtQ Timer Behavior [PSSRACE]" function, old "Normal" option has been renamed to "Race".

  - Added "☆x42" and "☆x49" options to "For 120 Star [FOR☆120]" function. (Requested by ikori)

  - Removed "Chain Chomp [CHOMP]" function.

  - Removed "CCM Red Coins [CCMREDS]" function.

  - Removed "TTM Red Coins [TTMREDS]" function.

  - Removed "Timer" option from "In-game Menu [IGMENU]" function.

  - Re-organized "RTA Timer [RTATMR]" functions.

★ Improvements

  - Improved "Input Display [INPUT]" function, custom textures are now used.

  - Improved "Wallkick Display [WKDISP]" function, the setting is now saved.

  - Improved "Level Reset" function.

    ・Fixed an issue where the objects, such as coins and enemies would respawn after traveling between areas.

    ・Fixed an issue where the Chomp in BoB and the Wiggler in THI would despawn under certain circumstances.

    ・Reset the water level properly.

  - Improved "Savestates [SSTATES]" function.

    ・Save/Load slots now can be scrolled backwards by holding the Z button.

    ・Fixed an issue where the game would crash when you load a state near the Chomp in BoB.

    ・Set Mario's animation properly when loading a state.

    ・Set cannon's state properly when loading a state.

  - Improved "In-game Menu [IGMENU]" function, now shows the timelosses on the star select screen and the result screen.

  - Improved the file functions, now can be re-applied with 1 button press.

  - Improved "DDD Sub [DDDSUB]" function, hotkeys are now available.

  - Improved "Ride on an Elevator / Carpet / Shell [RIDE]" function in "Misc Timer [MISCT]" category, now activates on the HMC elevators as well.

  - Improved "Attempt Counter [ATTEMPT]" function, the counter now increments on the pipe entries as well.

  - Improved "Default Coin Count [DEFCOIN]" function, extended the maximum count from 255 to 999.

2019-12-25:  Released v1.91j/v1.91u/v1.91vc

★ New features

  - Added "Wallkick Display [WKDISP]" function. (Requested by Simply)

    On: Displays which frame you did a wallkick on out of 5 possible frames.

  - Added upstairs key door and basement key door to the "Level Select" menu.

★ Improvements

  - Performance has slightly improved.

  - [VC version] Does not require resetting after changing the options in certain functions anymore.

  - Improved "Level Select", does not spawn mario behind the warp doors anymore.

  - Fixed the crashing bug with "F32" option in "Memory Viewer [MEMORY]" function.

  - Fixed the bug where the analog stick display can move further than intended to the negative directions in "Input Display [INPUT]" function.

  - Fixed the bug where Mario's head icon was not flashing at the right time on the menu.

2019-12-05:  Released v1.90j/v1.90u / 2019-12-13: Released v1.90vc

★ New features

  - Added "Text Scroll [TXTSCRL]" function.

    Timer: Displays the number of frames you lost to text scrolling.

    Auto: Automatically scrolls the textboxes on the fastest possible frame.

  - Added "Lag Display [LAGDISP]" function.

    1Digit: Only displays the last digit of the lag frame counter to keep the extra lag to a minimum.

  - Added "CCM Red Coins [CCMREDS]" function.

    6Reds: Sets 6 red coins to be collected when you spawn on the bridge near the hut in CCM by "Level Reset" / "Level Select".

  - Added "Dive Action [DIVE / BODYATK]" option to "Misc Timer [MISCT]" category.

  - Added "Off" option to "Cap [CAP]" function.

  - Added watch type options to "Memory Viewer [MEMORY]" function.

    S8 / U8 / S16 / U16 / S32 / X32 / F32:

    Reads the value from the specified RAM address and displays as the selected type of value.

  - Added a feature to copy the current levelIDs to "Custom".

    Hold Z for 0.5 secs when "Custom" is selected.

  - Added menu sound effects.

  - Generate 120 star file on slot D on boot.

★ Improvements

  - Refactored the source code entirely. May result in better performance.

  - Improved "Interact with Bowser [BOWSER]" in "Misc Timer [MISCT]" category, activates when bowser hits the bomb.

  - Merged "Level Reset Behavior [LRESET]" function into "L Button Function [LBUTTON]" / "LxR Buttons Function [LxR]".

  - Improved "Level Reset" / "Star Select".

    ・Play the screen transitions with correct color. (Both)

    ・Reset the screen transition statuses properly even when performed during screen transitions. (Both)

    ・Spawning to the warp points behave properly.

    ・Reset camera properly on HMC / TTM / RR / BitDW / BitFS results. (Both)

    ・Reset all Mario's health statuses properly. (Both)

    ・Remove the textboxes from the screen when performed. (Both)

    ・Reset music properly in the castle. (Both)

    ・Reset music properly in secret / bowser levels. (Star Select)

    ・Reset water level in WDW / THI. (Level Reset)

  - Improved "initialize BGM [INITBGM]" function, resets piranha sleeping / merry-go-round music.

  - Improved "Savestates [SSTATES]" function.

    ・Save the screen transition statuses.

    ・Save the flag that indicates you entered the slide section in PSS.

    ・Save all Mario's health statuses.

    ・Save currently used camera preset.

  - Improved file data functions.

    ・You can activate the other file data functions without deactivating the currently activated one manually.

    ・Gameover / save and quit don't deactivate file data functions anymore.

    ・Set the lives when activated.

    ・Restore Mario's health when activated.

  - Improved "TTM Red Coins [TTMREDS]" function, the star spawned with "8Reds" behaves properly.

  - Improved "Stage Text [STGTXT]" function, castle entrance text is added to the target.

2019-05-18:  Released v1.85j/v1.85u

2019-05-23: Released v1.8501j/u (Hotfix)

- Improved inside logics, fixed the bugs.

- Fixed the bug of "InitBGM".

- Menu screen will be dark while opening the menu.

- Added "Section Timer".

  ON: You can time in each sub level.  you can know overall igt after xcam.

- Added "Reset Attempt Counter".

  Auto: Attempt Counter will be reseted automatically when you enter another level.

- Added "Load" of MISC Timer.

  You can know the time of level loading. Ex. DDD, WDW.

- Added "Default Mission".

  ON: The mission number will be set automatically when you use "star select". (normal entry will not be applied.)

- Added hotkey of TTC speed.

  Cup: stop, Cright: slow, Cdown: rand, Cleft: fast

  If you keep to press the C button and use "level reset" or "star select", TTC speed FLG will be changed automatically.

- Added hotkey of WDW water level.

  Cup: high, Cright/Cleft: mid, Cdown: low

  If you keep to press the C button and use "level reset" or "star select", WDW water level FLG will be changed automatically.

2019-04-21:  Released v1.80j/v1.80u

- Fixed and improved many stuff. (big-fix: fixed the wrong spawn point with level reset in JP)

- Improved "Input Display" and added "analog display" item (only JP) to this function.

- In WDW, not apply "WDW water level" function when entering the painting normally.

- In TTC, not apply "TTC speed" function when entering the painting normally.

- Added Attempt counter.

- In selecting "NonStop ON", IGTimer will be temporarily stopped when getting a star.

2019-02-19:  Released SS v1.0s

- The first release of the Singlestar Usamune ROM.

2019-02-14:  Released v1.72u / 2019-02-16: Released v1.72j

- Added "fence clip timing" to MISC Timer.

- Fixed "DATA - CANNON - CLOSE" Funciton.

  This function is mainly for stage RTA.

  If you select "CLOSE", cannon will be closed by "Level Select" or "Star Select", but cannon will not be closed by entering a stage.

2019-02-08:  Released v1.71u

- Bug-fixes.

- Big improved "Fade Timer".

- Added "white fade" and "black circle fade".

- Added misc timing of "Misc Timer".

  hitting a bully, talons / killing a lakitu, swooper, book boo / ride on a shell / kick a bob-omb.

- Added and improved "practice files".

- Start running timer when select a file. (for practicing lakitu skip)

- Fixed "Soft Reset".

2018-12-25:  Released v1.7u (v1.7)

- Improved the menu GUI significantly.

- Re-organized the categories.

- Improved the inside logic of the timer functions significantly.

- Improved the "Castle Timer" function.

- Improved the "Timer Stop" function, and added the "GrabX" item to the function.

- Improved the "PSS Race" function.

- Improved the "MISC Timer" function.

- Added the "L Button" and "LxR Buttons" functions.

- Improved the "Savestates" function.

- Improved the "Mips" function.

  You can select 15MIPS / 50MIPS.

- Added the "Star Color" function.

2018-11-26:  Released v1.61u (v1.61)

- Added the "With Star Text" function.

2018-11-24:  Released v1.6u (v1.6)

- Improved the menu GUI significantly.

- Fixed and improved a lot of stuff.

- Improved the "IGTimer" function significantly.

  Displays the first star time while the text box is displayed.

- Added the "Init Coin Count" function.

- Added the "Init Timer Value" function.

- Added the "RTA Timer" function.

- Added the "Castle Timer" function.

- Added the "Custom" item to the "Level Select" Menu.

- Added the "JRB cannon star" function.

- Added the "TTM reds" function.

- Added the "Fade Timer" function.

2018-07-14:  Released v1.4u (v1.4)

- Added the "Cannon [CANNON]" function.

- Added the "Chain Chomp [CHOMP]" function.

- Added the "Real Timer [RTIMER]" function.

- Added the "With Text [WITHTXT]" function.

- Added the "Load Button [LOADSTATE]" function.

- Added the "Pause Timer" function.

2018-06-03:  Released v1.3u (v1.3)

- Added "Bowser Battles" to the "Level Select" menu.

- Bug-fixes.

2018-06-02:  Released v1.2u (v1.2)

- Bug-fixes.

2018-06-02:  Released v1.1u (v1.1)

- Bug-fixes.

2018-05-27:  Released v1.0u (v1.0)

-  The first release of the Standard Usamune ROM.

- The functionality is about the same as the legacy practice rom, but you can toggle the cheats while playing from the menu screen.

- This version also has the "Level Select" menu.

2018-05-03:  Launched the project