Whomp's Fortress

1. Common

■ The US version lags more than the JP version

Reference Video: N/A

2. Chip off Whomp's Block

#70idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 24->31 (+7)

■ C-left + Mario cam C-down at the 1st gp, then Lakitu cam C-left for 2nd and 3rd gps

3. To the Top of the Fortress

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 24->36 (+12)

■ TJ with C-up after the fence clip

■ C-right after slide jump

■ Late C-left on the elevator

4. Shoot into the Wild Blue

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 24->24 (+0)


5. Red Coins + 100 Coins

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 24->26 (+2)

■ C-left or C-right before the 8c ring

■ Mash C-right before killing the piranha (You can get 0 lag with this cam.)

■ Mario cam before killing the piranha (You can get 0 lag with this cam.)

■ C-right x2 as you collect the 7th red (Displaying the piranha causes lag)

■ Avoid the camera displaying where the red #8 is when collecting the final 5c line

6. Fall onto the Caged Island

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 24->24 (+0)

■ C-up on the island (Displaying red #2 causes a few lag frames.)

7. Blast Away the Wall

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 24->27 (+3)

■ C-up cam before getting the star