Lag Library


This library shows lag reductions of JP1.0/US1.0 ON CONSOLE.

* Not all lag reductions are useful for RTA.

Editors: circumark994, atmpas

Recent updates

Date: 2020/06/25

Star: TTM Breathtaking View from Bridge

Content: Ending(until fadeout) lag reduction

Date: 2020/06/13

Star: CCM Snowman's Lost His Head

Content: "■ Lakitu(Cup) cam Cleft mash then Mario cam and Cleft mash"

Date: 2020/06/13

Star: HMC Red Coins + 100 Coins

Content: "■ Lakitu Cdown cam before the maze, then Rx2 before killing the snifit, then mario Cup cam after getting the coins"

Date: 2020/04/28

Star: HMC metalhead

Content: "■ Keeping Lakitu(Cup) cam until the last door from TJwk"

Date: 2019/12/05

Star: Castle Movement (Upstairs, Tippy)

Content: Added the comparison video to "■ Mario(Cup) or lakitu cam before the wooden door"

Date: 2019/09/30

Star: BitFS No Reds

Content: Make the camera face the opposite direction of where the fire object is before the fire object (Cup)

Date: 2019/09/13

Star: THI koopa race

Content: Keep mario Cdown cam and mash Cleft

Note: 8m37s~

Date: 2019/09/13

Star: THI koopa race

Content: Grab ledge on the corner then mario C down cam

Note: 8m24s~

Date: 2019/09/13

Star: THI koopa race

Content: Mario Cup cam before talking to koopa, then switch to lakitu cam after koopa's text

Note: 7m38s~

Date: 2019/08/14

Star: THI 100reds

Content: Ending Cright and mash Cdown with mario Cdown cam

Note: 37s~

Date: 2019/08/08

Star: THI koopa race

Content: Switch to lakitu cam then make the camera face the direction where the goombas is before talking with koopa

Date: 2019/08/05

Star: JRB ship clip

Content: Lakitu Cright until entering