Jolly Roger Bay

1. Common

■ C-left x2 or C-right x2 at the beginning

■ Keep the sideways cam by spamming C-left

■ Hold C-right cam until the jet stream area

2. Plunder in the Sunken Ship

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 22->52 (+30)

■ Keep Mario cam C-up then lakitu cam just before entry

■ Lakitu C-right cam until entry

■ Mario cam C-down while breaking the star box

3. Can the Eel Come Out to Play?

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 22->27 (+5)

■ C-up and C-right, then C-left in the jet stream area

■ C-right before hitting the tail (until fadeout)

4. Treasure of the Ocean Cave

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 22->26 (+4)

■ Mario cam (C-up) until the 1st chest (Note: the 120 idealrun switched to lakitu cam too early, getting 1 lag frame because the collapsing pillar was displayed.)

5. Red Coins + 100 Coins

#120idealrun fix lag counter (until blackout): 22->78 (+56)

■ Lakitu C-left after getting the 3 coins box

■ Lakitu cam C-right after getting the 1st 8c ring

■ Lakitu cam C-left after getting the 2nd 8c ring

■ Trigger the collapsing pillar when entering the cave (Note: 120 idealrun didn't do this.)

■ Mario cam (C-up) after getting the blue coins

■ Mario cam (C-up) after getting the 8c ring in the cave

■ Lakitu cam C-right until the middle of the underwater section of the cave

■ Lakitu cam C-left until the wall

■ Mario cam (C-up) at the wall

■ Mario cam (C-up) until getting red #4

■ Keep the sideways cam with C-lefts around the purple switch

■ Lakitu cam C-up and C-left on the ship. Also get the red to the left before the one to the right

■ Keep the sideways cam with C-lefts until getting the 2nd star (until fadeout)

6. Blast to the Stone Pillar

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 22->22 (+0)

■ Select star 1 (The ship floating causes lags.)

■ Lakitu cam C-down just cannon entry

■ Keep the sideways cam with C-left and C-down cam until cannon entry

7. Through the Jet Stream

#120idealrun lag counter (until blackout): 22->25 (+3)

■ Don't get this star after getting the eel star. (The swimming eel causes lags.)

■ Mario cam C-up and C-left at entering the area of jet stream

■ Mario cam then lakitu cam just before getting the star