Practice Codes


Most codes on this site require a GameShark Pro 3.x and Expansion Pak.

These pages show "Practice Codes" for Super Mario 64 speedrunning.

We got these codes from SM64 Practice Codes and added & fixed codes.

Read SM64 Everdrive/Gameshark Guide (by Tabascoth) if you want to know how to acquire/use a Gameshark.

Editors: circumark994, atmpas

Q. Why did you move "SM64 Practice Codes" to this site?

A. Because the service of old google site will be discontinued in the future. ("SM64 Practice Codes" is made by the service of old google site.)

Recent Updates

Added "Singlestar Real Timer"
Added "Manual Timer", "Remove Time Text", "Automatically Reset Timer at Star Select", "Star-Grab Timer", "Make Timer Display Centiseconds", and "Star Select (L+R)" for EU
Added "X-Cam Timer" for GS 2.x
Updated "Make Timer Display Centiseconds"

Added "Savestates on N64 (Single State) 3.1" for EU

Fixed "All Stars Yellow"

Fixed "Level Reset" and "Star Select" for JP/US


    Manual Timer

    X-Cam Timer

    Remove Time Text

    Automatically Reset Timer at Star Select

    Star-Grab Timer

    Show Timer in Castle

    Slide Timer Fix

    Make Timer Display Number of Frames

    Make Timer Display Centiseconds

    Prevent Timer Reset at the Start of Koopa Races and Slide

    Prevent Timer Stop at the End of Koopa Races and Slide

    Move Timer Slightly Left

    Run Timer While Paused

    Singlestar Real Timer

    Level Reset (L)

    Level Reset Camera Fix

    Star Select (L+R)

    Level Select

    Soft Reset (A+B+Z+Start)

    Savestates on N64 (Single State) 3.1

    Savestates on N64 (Double State) 3.1

    Lag Frame Counter

    Automatically Reset Counter at Star Select

    Modify Lag Frame Counter Coordinates

    Hide BUF Text

    Display Lag Frame Counter as Life Count

    Speed Display

    Modify Speed Display Coordinates

    Hide SPD Text

    Display Speed as Star Count

    Scrolling Message

    Hide Entire HUD Sections

    Hide Individual HUD Elements

    Modify HUD Coordinates

    Modify HUD Characters

    Upstairs RTA (74-Star) Practice File

    Upstairs RTA (38-Star) Practice File

    Upstairs RTA (39-Star) Practice File

    Tippy RTA (103-Star) Practice File

    Tippy RTA (58-Star) Practice File

    120 Star File

    Close BoB Cannon (D-Up+Z)

    Close JRB Cannon (D-Left+Z)

    Close RR Cannon (D-Down+Z)

    WDW Water Level

    TTC Clock Speed

    Always Spawn MIPS in Basement

    Always Spawn Sub in DDD

    DDD Sub Toggle

    Always Spawn Switches Unpressed

    Always Spawn Toads with Stars

    Never Spawn Fat Race Penguin in CCM

    Debug Display (Classic)

    Debug Display (Complex)

    Debug Spawn

    Free Movement

    Free Movement (Anywhere)

    Modify Free Movement Buttons

    Level Select

    Resource Meter

    No Music

    All Stars Yellow

    Change Star Color

    Change Dust Colors

    Skip Intro

    Infinite Lives

    Always Display 50th Star Text Box After Grabbing a Star


    Non-Stop (Toggle)

    X-Cam Timer

    Death Code (D-Down)

    Skip Death Animation

    Level Reset (L)

    Restore Health (L)

    Reset Coin Count (L)

    Star Select (L+R)

    Star Select Sublevel/Entrance Fix (L+R)

    Reset Camera (D-Up)