Debug Codes

Note: Displaying debug elements can increase lag

Debug Display (Classic)

See The Cutting Room Floor for more information.

8032D598 0059

8032C658 0059

Debug Display (Complex)

See The Cutting Room Floor for more information.

8033D263 0001
D033AFA0 0008
80330E94 0001
D033AFA0 0001
80330E94 0002
D033AFA0 0004
80330E94 0003
D033AFA0 0002
80330E94 0004
D033AFA1 0020
80330E94 0005

8033BEF3 0001
D0339C30 0008
8032FF34 0001
D0339C30 0001
8032FF34 0002
D0339C30 0004
8032FF34 0003
D0339C30 0002
8032FF34 0004
D0339C31 0020
8032FF34 0005

Debug Spawn

See The Cutting Room Floor for more information.

80330E94 0003
8133D2DE 0001

8032FF34 0003
8133BF6E 0001

Free Movement

Z + D Right = Enable Free Movement.

  ■ Analog Stick = Move Around.  ■ B = Move Faster.  ■ L = Lock Mario Position.  ■ D Up = Move Up.  ■ D Down = Move Down.  ■ A = Exit Free Movement.

D133AFA0 2100
81269BDA 5FAB
D133AFA0 8000
81269BDA 98D5

D1339C30 2100
8126976E 5F0D
D1339C30 8000
8126976E 97D1

Free Movement (Anywhere)

Use this code in conjunction with the Free Movement code.

This will allow you to pass through all faces, regardless of whether there is a death floor or not.

Be warned that Mario will die if you go too far out of bounds.

81258068 2400

80257DF0 2400

Modify Free Movement Buttons

Change the last 4 values of each line to modify the buttons. A Button Activators resource is available.

The default button values are listed below.

US (Default)
Move Faster
81257EC6 4000

Lock Mario Position
81257F0A 0020

Move Up
81257F4A 0800

Move Down
81257F82 0400

Exit Free Movement
812580FE 8000

JP (Default)
Move Faster
81257C4E 4000

Lock Mario Position
81257C92 0020

Move Up
81257CD2 0800

Move Down
81257D0A 0400

Exit Free Movement
81257E86 8000

Level Select

See The Cutting Room Floor for more information.

8032D58C 0001

8032C64C 0001

Resource Meter

See The Cutting Room Floor for more information.

8032D594 0001

8032C654 0001