Special Compe 2018 Summer [Task 6 - 7]


  • You may use N64, VC and Emulator. Because my tasks are timed by IGT(Ingame Time).

  • You MUST use "Manual Timer" along with "Make Timer Display Centiseconds". You may use "Star-Grab Timer".

  • GameShark codes that affect the physics of the game are BANNED. Codes such as Star Select, Level Reset, Lag Frame Counter, Speed Display and 120 Star File are ALLOWED.

  • You may NOT share anything related to the current task with anyone.

  • You may NOT satsify the conditions for the task in any stage other than the one specified.

  • Unless stated in the task rules, star count and usage of special triple jumps, cannons, caps, shells and teleporters are voluntary.


  1. You record task video.

  2. You upload task video on youtube with "UNLISTED".

  3. You tell me task video URL with Discord, Skype, or E-mail.

DiscordID: usamunekun#3937

SkypeID: usamimashamunee

E-mail: circumark994@gmail.com

  • You can submit many videos every 1 Task.

  • You may NOT edit your video, for example appear timer, add to the another BGM. (When I make Task result video, I am disturbed their acts.)

  • You MUST record video with 29.97fps or higher. (on Emulater, record with 30fps or higher.)

  • Your task video MUST include result screen.

Task 6: Bob-omb Battlefield

★ You must use the following GScode or Patch.

- GScode: https://pastebin.com/A4Q3pSdX

- Patch(U): https://bit.ly/2KfHfbG (Usamune ROM Extended -> Usage: https://bit.ly/2IT2lbs)

※ Cheat list

delete breakable boxes / goombas / water bubble drops / big balls (generator) / chomp change position of secret#1 (cannon under the island), #2 (near the 5 lines), #3 (cannon near the box), #4 (warp), #5 (the center of 8coins ring), change position of cage star (position of heart)

※ Use these codes along with the "Level Reset" code in order to apply the modifications.

★ You must NOT use shells / wing caps / cannons / BLJs.

★ You must satisfy the condition below.

- Get to the "#6 GOAL" cell on the board (Shown in the picture and Note 1)

End Timing: Get the "#6 GOAL (Get the star)" (Timed by IGT)

★ Deadline

July 23rd 2018 14:59pm GMT (July 23rd 2018 23:59pm JST)


* Send with Paypal, Refusing to accept is okay.

* include the service fee

- Main BONUS

1st: $80 2nd: $50 3rd: $20

- Additional BONUS

TASK LOTTERY (Shown in Note 2)

★ Results

1st piyo 20.93

2nd Custom 21.46

3rd cuckmaster3000 21.63

4thT toastrider91 21.66

4thT Tomatobird8 21.66

6th SpaceMan64 21.70

7th phantaxx 21.93

8th Creator Destroyer 22.36

9th Nebula 22.40

10th saksdal 22.66

11th Sovlo 22.70

12th minikori 22.83

13th tayyip 23.10

14th gamiru 23.46

15th BlueBob 24.63

16th Xarflon 24.66

17th IR 25.33

18th mrKerij 27.06

★ Note 1: Board Rules

- You may choose one cell every number.

- You can move forward one after finish condition of the cell.

- "#2 get one coin" -> It means coin counter +1 or over.

- Ex1. #1 Start -> #2 -> #3 -> #4-1 -> #5-2 -> #6 GOAL

- Ex2. #1 Start -> #2 -> #3 -> #4-2 -> #5-1 -> #6 GOAL

- #4-1 -> #5-1 is banned.


You have the chance to get $10!! (Send with Paypal)

★ Conditions for getting $10

1. You join Task6.

2. Hit the second decimal place of 1st and 2nd and 3rd. (TIME xx.x"Y" <- you hit "Y")

※ You need to hit all numbers.

★ Submission

1. You tell me your expected numbers with Discord, Skype, or E-mail.

Ex. 1st 0, 2nd 3, 3rd 6 (The second decimal place has only 0, 3 or 6 because of IGT.)

2. I update "List".

- You can change your expected numbers many times until "Deadline".

★ Result

3, 6, 3

★ List (Player, 1st, 2nd, 3rd)

circumark994, 0, 3, 6 (Example)

tayyip, 3, 0, 3

Custom, 6, 6, 3

saksdal, 3, 6, 0

SpaceMan64, 0, 3, 6

toastrider91, 6, 6, 6

Sovlo, 0, 6, 0

Tomatobird8, 6, 3, 0

piyo, 3, 0, 6

Task 7: Snowman's Land

★ You must use the following GScode or Patch.

- GScode: https://pastebin.com/SBzCjB2M

- Patch(U): https://bit.ly/2L0Ypua (Usamune ROM Extended -> Usage: https://bit.ly/2IT2lbs)

※ Cheat list

delete big bully / wind / water (exist damage under the bully platform) change position of red#4 (on the ice object), #3 (warp), #2 (in the pond), change position of star box

※ Use these codes along with the "Level Reset" code in order to apply the modifications.

★ You must NOT use warps / shells.

★ You must satisfy all of the conditions in ANY order.

- Kill 3 Spindrifts

- Get 3 red coins

※ You must NOT get the red coin near the 1up [!] box AT FIRST. (Shown in the picture)

End Timing: Get any star (Timed by IGT)

★ Deadline

August 1st 2018 14:59pm GMT (August 1st 2018 23:59pm JST)


* Send with Paypal, Refusing to accept is okay.

* include the service fee

- Main BONUS

1st: $5/entrant × total entrants (MAX $100) -> 5 x 18 = $90

2nd: $2/entrant × total entrants (MAX $40) -> 2 x 18 = $36

3rd: $1/entrant × total entrants (MAX $20) -> 1 x 18 = $18

Ex1. 10 entrants -> 1st $50, 2nd $20, 3rd $10 Ex2. 15 entrants -> 1st $75, 2nd $30, 3rd $15 Ex3. 20 entrants or over -> 1st $100, 2nd $40, 3rd $20

- Additional BONUS

Gift to Task 6 entrants

If you joined Task 6 and get 1st-5th in this task, you get $20!!

★ Results

1st piyo 18.80

2nd Custom 18.83

3rd SpaceMan64 18.86

4th Sovlo 19.03

5th toastrider91 19.13

6th ZDeztroyerz 19.20

7th Dwhatever 19.23

8th Tomatobird8 19.46

9th saksdal 19.76

10th Creator Destroyer 19.80

11th YUKING 20.03

12th ChrisLink 20.26

13th AndrewSM64 20.60

14th juice 20.76

15th Darkman_ 20.86

16th IR 21.30

17th Tama 21.60

18th lazyman 22.90