Special Compe 2017 Summer [Task 3 - 4]


  • You may use N64, VC and Emulator. Because my tasks are timed by IGT(Ingame Time).
  • You MUST use "Manual Timer" along with "Make Timer Display Centiseconds". You may use "Star-Grab Timer".
  • GameShark codes that affect the physics of the game are BANNED. Codes such as Star Select, Level Reset, Lag Frame Counter and 120 Star File are ALLOWED.
  • You may NOT share anything related to the current task with anyone.
  • You may NOT satsify the conditions for the task in any stage other than the one specified.
  • Unless stated in the task rules, star count and usage of special triple jumps, cannons, caps, shells and teleporters are voluntary.


  1. You record task video.
  2. You upload task video on youtube with "UNLISTED".
  3. You tell me task video URL with Discord, Skype, or E-mail.

DiscordID: usamunekun#3937

SkypeID: usamimashamunee

E-mail: circumark994@gmail.com

  • You can submit many videos every 1 Task.
  • You may NOT edit your video, for example appear timer, add to the another BGM. (When I make Task result video, I am disturbed their acts.)
  • You MUST record video with 29.97fps or higher. (on Emulater, record with 30fps or higher.)
  • Your task video MUST include result screen.

Task 3: Tiny-Huge Island

Alias: "dying fish in summer time"

★ You must use the following GScode or ASM.

- GScode(updated GS codes): https://pastebin.com/ZK1NPTgz

- ASM(ver.J): https://pastebin.com/gbqPP7yJ

- ASM(ver.U): https://pastebin.com/HHEAav4p

※ Cheat list

no pipe, no wind, no big balls, no water, change spawn point, 3goombas turn into the star, change position of 3goombas

※ Use these codes along with the "Level Reset" code in order to apply the modifications.

★ You must enter the huge picture and select star#1.

★ You must satisfy all of the conditions in ANY order.

- Get every coin from a 5 coin line

- Complete one of the objectives from each GROUP (The following 2 GROUPs)


[1] Kill 2 goombas [2] Kill a piranha plant [3] Wall kick on the black wall(shown in the picture)


[1] Touch the top of a pole(shown in the picture) [2] Get a 1-up [3] Kill a lakitu

End Timing: Get the star in the tunnel (Timed by IGT)

★ Deadline

August 3rd 2017 14:59pm GMT (August 3rd 2017 23:59pm JST)

★ Results

1st toastrider91 18.33

2nd saksdal 19.30

3rd Plush 19.40

4th Xiah 19.46

5th Custom 19.63

6th wrm_ 19.80

7th Taggo 19.86

8th NajaylebSub1 20.53

Task 4: Lethal Lava Land

Alias: "mario walks on lava"

★ You must use the following GScode or ASM.

- GScode: https://pastebin.com/ePQuEcu7

- ASM(ver.J): https://pastebin.com/Vfs8wsUh

- ASM(ver.U): https://pastebin.com/fYQ2bDbU

※ Cheat list

1up turn into a blue coin, remove redcoins, remove fires, remove small bully, remove boss bully, remove spurt fire, walk on lava, change spawn point, change face orientation, change log star position

※ Use these codes along with the "Level Reset" code in order to apply the modifications.

★ You must select star#1.

★ You must satisfy all of the conditions in ANY order.

- Get at least 20 coins total

- Get at least 5 points total from list (The following list)


① [2pt] Get the blue coin from the small hill near the bullys ② [2pt] Get every coin from the 8 coin ring around the eye ③ [1pt] Get onto the wire mesh near the boss bully ④ [2pt] Break the wing [!] box ⑤ [1pt] Get every coin from the 5 coin line under the bridge ⑥ [1pt] Get the blue coin on the black stand ⑦ [1pt] Get every coin from the 5 coin line beside the volcano ⑧ [2pt] Get every coin from the 5 coin line near the puzzle ⑨ [1pt] Get the blue coin behind the spawn point ⑩ [1pt] Get the yellow coin between the volcano and the small hill

End Timing: Get the star on the tunnel (Timed by IGT)

★ Deadline

August 18th 2017 14:59pm GMT (August 18th 2017 23:59pm JST)

★ Results

1st cham 14.16

2nd toastrider91 14.66

3rd Tayyip 17.80

4th Tomatobird8 17.83

5th Tabascoth 18.46

★ Example

[⑨[1pt] total 1pt → ①[2pt] total 3pt → ⑧ total 5pt] and total 20 coins @OK

⑨ [1pt] Get the blue coin behind the spawn point

① [2pt] Get the blue coin from the small hill near the bullies

⑧ [2pt] Get every coin from the 5 coin line near the puzzle