Hello, my name is Stijn Gabeler, initiator of STIJN.ONLINE

I am an online journalist, photographer/filmer/ vlogger, blogger and podcaster.

Searching for people, projects, social platforms and daily events and gatherings

to interview people or to make registrations.

I love to create and publish online content.

I was born in the Netherlands in Alkmaar on the 5th of August 1977,

Since the beginning of internet i learned how to connect, communicate and create online.

After years of using the name "GODOGOOD" online and creating a platform-foundation

i decided to change the way i work, the way i live and the way i profile myself online.

Because i always loved to make pictures, create video's and write online i focussed on video productions.

Making lipdubs, flashmobs and other short video's was a nice way to learn how to create productions.

Nowadays the internet is fast, direct, people go live on their social media and there are many

bloggers, vloggers, podcasters and online photograpers publishing their daily works.

This is why i decided to focus on journalism and created ..

EUIA PRESS as a platform for beginning journalists to work together.

My goals.

Being Happy, Healthy and Honorable with all the things i do.

Here is my a bucket list online. What is yours?

Sent me a message on whatsapp!

Tell me your story, Ask me your questions,

Or give me some information about your life, the people you know and the things you hope to change.

For years i am trying to become a coach, teacher in journalism and professional in publishing online content.

I also focus on Veganism, since i became vegan on 8-8-2018.

I love to cycle and travel around the world, therefor i hope to find ways to create opportunaties for people to travel together and create nice online stories about the way the world works. How people live,..

Where they Go, What they Do, ..and what we hope for and dream about.

Because life can be Good if we try to understand and care more and try to share more.