The real name of Stijn Gabeler is Constantijn Gabeler / Find the Remixes made by DJ Constantijn Gabeler / Stijn Gabeler

Since 1985 at the age of 18 Constantijn decided to use the name Stijn constantly..

to make it easier and shorter for new friends and to create an online profiling with a shortname.

Since 1999 Stijn started with the name GODOGOOD online and registrated

On Twitter you can find many tweets from Stijn at @GODOGOOD

On Facebook the profile : reached over 5000 friends in 2018

Earlier the group VeganYogaPeople reached over 5000 followers

The main focus for 2019 is VHJ Online and

and EUIA PRESS to connect to new journalists and create an open platform for starting journalists to work together on research and investigations.

Case by Case we hope to help people with ..

- investigations

- research

- journalistic publications

- facts checking

- registrations / camera / microphone / writings

- content publishing / re-publishing

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