Millbrook Lodge Open Garden

The gardens looked immaculate when everything was being set up on the Friday. The marquee which was acting as the refreshment tent took pride of place on the lawn in front of the house. Then on Saturday morning just before opening Storm Hannah came and disaster struck with the wind bending the poles of the marquee. despite this setback the marquee was removed and everything was ready for the opening. Although the winds persisted all day there was a steady trickle of visitors through the afternoon.

On Sunday the winds had stopped and the weather was much better; the sun even crept through the light cloud on occasion. Over 200 people, from near and far, visited the gardens. A lot of complements were received, the Save the Children ladies serving refreshments and washing up were kept busy all day and the plant stall nearly sold out.

Save the Children made £576. 06 from the sales of soup, teas/coffee and cakes, to say nothing of the amount made by the entrance fees for the National Garden Charities.

The National Garden Scheme gives visitors unique access to over 3,500 exceptional private gardens in England and Wales, and raises impressive amounts of money for nursing and health charities through admissions, teas and cake. to find out more about NGS and their charities click here

There were before and after pictures of the garden showing the amount of work Andrea and Doug have done over the years to make the gardens what they are today.

Hopefully they feel that all the obvious work the family has put in to prepare for the weekend was worthwhile.It did turn out to be a very successful weekend despite all the initial worry.

Thanks also to everyone who helped making soup and cakes beforehand, supplying tables and chairs, serving on the day, manning the car park …..