Dorothea's Funeral

The service for Dorothea was truly lovely and gentle as befitted the person we knew. There were many personal touches interspersed throughout the service, music, hymns, poems and prayers that Dorothea particularly liked. Trish and Dan , her daughter and son spoke remembering Dorothea's life in Cornwall, various postings with Tom and eventually in Malvern.

As we went into church we collected a bright little bag containing a candle, to lighten the way, Rosemary for remembrance and a copy of Dorothea's soda bread recipe which she first made together with her cousin for tea rooms in Cornwall after the war.

The wicker coffin was already in church before we all arrived and was beautifully decorated with spring flowers, narcissi from Cornwall and sprouting buds from the gardens of her homes in Colwall.

There was no collection but on the back page of the service sheet it was suggested that if people wanted to donate then Tom and Dorothea's favourite charity was Save the Children. The contact website is . It directs you to look for "Donate in Memory" and enter your name and relationship to her. Her unique number is 40136828

Dorothea and Tom's wedding 1954

Dorothea Marsh

1924 - 2021