Christmas Fair

Charity’s Christmas Fair a Great Success.

Save the Children Malvern Branch held their Christmas Fair in Priory Lodge Hall. there were 12 stalls in total, 5 staffed by Save the Children and the others by outside bodies - James Sweetman the Candle Man; Pamela Balchadani - Indian wooden items; Jean Markwort - Jewellery; Janet Williams - Honey; Caroline/Christine Peer - Household items; Kate Wrigglesworth - Cards/Prints/Pictures; Vanessa - handmade crafts. Visitors were also served hot drinks, cake and mince pies.

James and Pat Sweetman on their Cowleigh Park Candles stall make the candles themselves mainly from left over stubs of used candles as a hobby. Any profits they make go to charity and in the last three years they have given over £2,000 to national and local charities.

Andrea Bright, the current Chair of the Malvern Branch of Save the Children said, “Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves perusing the stalls or sitting and chatting for a long time. In the end we made nearly £900 for Save the Children which we are really pleased about. i would like to thank everyone for their support - the stallholders and the public. Without the support of the volunteers and the general public it would not be possible to raise all the money that we do each year”

The Save the Children Christmas cards (along with cards from 20 other charities) are on sale in the Charity Christmas Card Shop in Arcos (top of Avenue Road) until 17th December and at the Hanley Swan Market on Saturday 24th November