Top Ten

Tough Traits

but are the fountain of Sustained Substantive Serenity or contentment with life or subjective wellness score (SWC)

TEN TOP SKILLS that are tough to master, but bring huge dividends in life and do so FOREVER!

1. Speaking up (Public Speaking)

2. Being honest with yourself and others

3. Having ample self confidence sturdy esteem restrained self doubt

4. Listening intently

5. Managing your time well

6. Stop whining and cessation of whining negative self talk introversion, negativism and pessimistic propensity.

7. Staying present in the present or the current moment and engage in descent into Flow State or practice of mindfulness & GERWARD elimination

8. Being consistent or authenticity conscionability morality and high ethical bar to live at as in OCA triad

9. Getting sufficient square suxaglymph sleep with ample Stage IV content and Sustained Substantive Serenity.

10. Having empathy and compassion for altruism for Sustained Substantive Serenity

10. Having empathy and compassion for altruism Sustained Substantive Serenity.

The most helpful trait or talent to pursue is that of relating to other humans because as solitary organism human is extremely vulnerable and at a minimum needs another person to watch out his or her back, to succeed in the most essential task or biological obligation to procreate through a pregnancy and child raising and to bring high quality erotic entertainment into life through an ample annual orgasm count. This is a component of what is discussed as Gracilating ( Gratuitous, Altruistic, Compassionate, Empathetic Relating) or graciously relation and Copulating Tenaciously & Adhesively which requires mastering the strategies to escape uncoupling of marriage type romantic bonding. The work of Gratuitous, Altruistic, Compassionate, Empathetic Relating and of Copulating Tenaciously & Adhesively becomes subsumed in practicing sipping from and dipping in “Lake of Oxytocin-Vasorelaxin-Endorphin” Rewards (LOVE Rewards) and of Diligently Initiated Prophylactic Leveraged Organized Meaningful Action Yoking (DIPLOMACY). Vasopression that can cause hypertension is a known substance but the Vasorelaxin is a hypothetical agent which might be invented or recognized at some point or that role is played by Oxytocin and Endorphins and subsumed within the oxytocinopioidergic output.

9. Getting sufficient square suxaglymph sleep with ample Stage IV content

Modem world suffers from a sleep disorder pandemic with affliction rate of poor sleep or sleep apneas impacting some 4/5 of human race. The poor lose sleep over their financial crisis, and the wealth suffer sleep disruption because they do no work to earn their wealth but just exploit the labour of the poor who suffer from severe poverty. The lifestyle choice of engaging in ample physical activity, eating the non addictive diets and having time for romantic intimacy all culminate into good sleep quality conducive to good janitorial service delivering sleep herein called suxaglymph sleep during which these is ample sucking and mopping of the glymphatic fluid. This translates to having the empathy-compassion driven Gratuitous, Altruistic, Compassionate, Empathetic Relating or graciously relationship needs met and Copulating Tenaciously & Adhesively which bear tight links to sleep and also to Authentic Elational Wealth also called well or hard earned wealth. Thus objective of suxaglymph square sleep becoming central and thematic to good health.

8. Being consistent or authenticity conscionability morality and high ethical bar to live at as in OCA triad

This trait is extends to living at as in Orderliness Conscionability Authenticity or OCA Triad which amplifies propensity towards mindfulness focus and calm in mind which is the key to Sustained Substantive Serenity and also to Authentic Elational Wealth also called well or hard earned wealth A key task with the modern humans is that of mastering elimination of inauthenticity because humans can be reasonable characterized as Cowardly Selfish Lying Humans,

Happiness or stress level which is inversely linked to sleep quality lies in living on CLEAN not DIRTY money such that earning CLEAN money is the KEY to happiness or contentment and linked to sleep quality. A similar sleep lack also afflicts the victims of exploitation who are grossly underpaid due to their efforts being stolen by those who exploit them because Moral transgressions corrupt neural representations of value. Neuroscience News in May 2017 posted an online report that Ill Gotten Gains Are Worth Less in the Brain adding that brain responds less to money gained from immoral actions than money earned decently, which relied on paper by Crockett et al who published Moral transgressions corrupt neural representations of value in Nature Neuroscience May 2017; vol 20 : 879–85 doi:10.1038/nn.4557 outlining that moral systems universally prohibit harming others for personal gain. However, we know little about how such principles guide moral behavior. Using a task that assesses the financial cost participants ascribe to harming others versus themselves, we probed the relationship between moral behavior and neural representations of profit and pain. Most participants displayed moral preferences, placing a higher cost on harming others than themselves. Moral preferences correlated with neural responses to profit, where participants with stronger moral preferences had lower dorsal striatal responses to profit gained from harming others. Lateral prefrontal cortex encoded profit gained from harming others, but not self, and tracked the blameworthiness of harmful choices. Moral decisions also modulated functional connectivity between lateral prefrontal cortex and the profit-sensitive region of dorsal striatum. The findings suggest moral behavior in our task is linked to a neural devaluation of reward realized by a prefrontal modulation of striatal value representations.

7. Staying present in the present or the current moment and engage in descent into Flow State or practice of mindfulness & GERWARD elimination.

GERWAD infestation of the mind is near ubiquitous and denotes Guilt-Regret Evoking Ruminations & Worrisome Anxious Dyscognitions. The modern multi-taking culture of information overload with an epidemic of continuous unrelenting distractions GERWAD or attention scatter is a global nightmare which gives heavy credence to mindfulness and its effectiveness because meditation retrains the mind to resist the temptations of distractions and the two domains of mind wandering are into the past as regrets for having missed opportunities or having made the flawed choice and having suffered consequences thereof. Often these regrets are themselves flawed where they involve not having engaged in some immoral, unethical and often a criminal act of not having stolen an items that was left unsupervised and could have been readily stolen or for not having availed of a sexual temptation of an affair that arose but was turned down. The trouble with temptations which are presented by the thousands on a daily basis by everyone around it to entrap others is that one regrets having succumbed to the temptation and engaged in an immoral act of having a clandestine sexual encounter with the temptation offeror. There emerges therefore a need for a society wide clearance of the culture of tempting others. Even the offering of sugar, salt, saturated fat rich junk food items is a common temptation which is fueling the diabesity epidemic and making it nearly impossible to adhere to a decent diet to improve fitness level, without becoming a social outcast and a loner. This colure of tempting others for personal gain is driving all of the six health pandemics gripping the world.

6. Stop whining and cessation of whining negative self talk introversion, negativism and pessimistic propensity.

The modern hyper competitive culture where people must harm others for personal survival or to strengthen their own position compels the promotion of feeding into the human negativity bias which has deep evolutionary history and did serve a clear purpose when the threats to survival from the wild canine predators. In the modern highly technological and digital civilisation where the social media and other elements of the internet permit invasion into the mind of another human being located on the opposite end of the world and deeply impact the mind of the recipient which would not be possible otherwise even with the use of telephone technology. There again a social transition to resile from the negativity promotion. Overcoming of the prevalent human negativity biased civilization of the modern times where there is no genuine threat but they are created in two main ways, first being involuntary where the target is induced into intensification of the negativity bias by the perpetrator for personal gain by targeting the victim with a negative characterization of which online bullying where the person is deprecated is the most remarkable example, and when that is repeated several times, the victim starts to buy into the reality of the false allegation. The second version of promotion of mutual negativity is voluntary and was practiced at the water cooler type chat or sharing of the collective negative experiences of pity parties or misery potlucks where everyone brings his or her own set of miseries and the cluster collectively reinforces the negativity fears pessimism of everyone and fuels the propensity towards introversion and fosters the whining that leads to additional negative self talk promotion of negativism and pessimistic propensity. This culture of targeting other members of the society with false negative depictions and the misery pot lucks both need to be remedied for the enhancement of the public health. The upcoming serious economic recession is going to actually foster these behaviours and that makes it all the more important to become aware of these negative behaviour and work towards remediation of introversion, negative self talk and pessimistic propensity or personality. While the task is stated as an individual burden in light of the negative characterization of fellow humans using the internet and the hosing of misery pot lucks makes it clear that an individual would be extremely ill equipped

5. Effiicnt and diligent time management (oragnized lifestyle)

The organization of time actually requires organization of several other aspects of life and transitions into an overall habit or personality trait of being organized and as concluded from the Longevity Study, constitutes the first element of three major characteristics of orderliness, conscionability and authenticity triad essential for Sustained Substantive Serenity.

4. Listening intently patiently and empathetically

Listening to the stories of others given that humans best describe their circumstance through presenting stories. The diligent and meaningful listening becomes empathetic listening such that essentially this trait is subsumed within or is synonymous with empathy compassion and they are meaningless without action or altruism. Compassion without action is mere eyewash and political diplomatic posturing. Vivienne Harr so succinctly said in her talk Be One Person: "Compassion is not compassion without action. We need to do something."

3. Having ample self confidence sturdy esteem restrained self doubt

While being self righteous is desirable for self esteem there remains a risk of misplaced self evaluation. The misguided optimism and falsely inflated ego creates a delusional sense of invulnerability and results in injury death or other type of losses such that the process of being bold courageous of timidity tamer requires knowing the limits to courage to not become a maverick and extreme risk taker something that was observed during the second world war among the fighter jet pilots who has an exceptionally excessive mortality.

2. Being honest with yourself and others

Honesty is a restatement of the OCA triad essentially. All traits from compassion, empathy, courage to honesty and authenticity (inauthenticity) are both helpful when directed at self and to others. A good way to look at this is that charity begins at home. Those who are compassionate towards their immediate family take those traits to outside the home as well. Home therefore makes the perfect breeding place for these positive traits an this is where they must be mastered.

1. Candor and Courage of speaking up (Public Speaking) timidity taming and advocacy for the margainalized

This feature overlaps with authenticity/inauthenticity and underlines the principle of speaking out for the margin lied, and the quote that silence is not neutral. A key task with the modern humans is that of mastering elimination of inauthenticity (Cowardly Selfish Lying Humans) .