99 Strategies for 99 plus 


99 strategies to live past 99


Directives to  Live to a Ripe Old Age of 99

Adapted from 31 August 2022 work of George D. Lundberg, MD

Would You Like to Live to a 'Ripe Old Age'?

The top five strategies to enable yourself to live to a ripe old age of 99+

1. Lead a low stress life with splendid sleep quality (it will need good diet, exercise, staying drugfree and stress free etc.) Plant-based (mediterranen diet or WhOOPPAASS diet helps with it as do antigravity activity and suxaglymph sleep.

2. Serious smokefree sustenance by never inhaling tobacco or marijuana smoke  first hand or even second hand and never experiment with recreational illicit street drugs under any circumstance.

3. Sustained silhouette slenderhood - maintaining a body mass index within a "healthy range" using the rest of these strategies and particularly escaping wide weight fluctuations also called yo-yo dieting.

4. Maintain a super-fit cardiovasculo-respiratory system a good marker for which is both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure values within age appropriate"healthy range" with or without medications; and the highest possible aerobic capacity MVo2. Underlying theme herein is to douse the decadal inflammaging that is ubiquitious or even universal and inescapable as low as possible.

5. Aim at maintain a low resting heart rate if that can be attained. This step of  Builßbing (or Builfsbing Buil5bing) Resting Heart Rate Retarding (RHRR). Curing Chronic Obscured Sustained Tachycardia (COSTcure) is a major and serious undertaking with unpredictability of success built into it but still worthy of pursuit. Success with this is facilitated by the above four esp. if topped with POMYT.


While genetics write our script as outlined in the Biodestrinity hypothesis humans do have the ability to  control a fair bit about the habits that we cultivate which would impact the quality of life and both our length of life and parameters of dying, by our volitional actions. Where majority of authors on healthcare prescription make serious error is that even the ability or drive to choose a healthspan prolonging or longevity compatible lifestyle is itself genetically determined for example whehher a baby will be an athetic youth or a couch pototo habits is also genetically determined and no more than 10-20% shift is possible.

Food and Drugs

Antigravity activity accumulating lifestyle

1.     Prepare the mind and body for a vigous activity filled day by securing sufficient suxaglymph sleep of seven (6-80) hours preferably at night in profound darkness and in pindrop silence and do so without sleep medication in slightly cool room with adequate moisture in the room air.

2.     Do walk up and down stairs, but be sure there are handrails in case you need them.

3.     Make sure to continue to be active physically, mentally, socially, and sexually.

Extreme hazard evasion.

4.     Refrain from being present in the wrong locations at the wrong time whereby you would be at risk of becoming victim of street crime.

5.     Decline to  drive a vehicle after drinking alcoholic beverages or after taking certain psychoactive drugs or prescription drugs that cause drowsiness and the pharmacist recommends refrining from driving heavey machinery or when very sleepy or while distracted.

6.     Do not stoare firearms in your home or workplace. If that is necessary to do so place the weopon in a locked closet with the weopon unloaded and locked.

Romancing the nature.

1. Spend ample time out of doors expressing awe to the wonders of nature

2. Spend leisure time bird-watching, bee-keeping

3. Study and grow herbs, bushes, plants and even fruit trees if there is such an opportunity.

4. Spend time with amid wild plantation and among harmless wildlife.

5. Take outdoors camping vacations instead of remote exotic tropical destinations.

Socio-economic elements of life.

1.     Value whatever family life you have, and participate actively while encouraging individuals to live their own lives.

2.     Read great books (fiction or nonfiction) at least five to ten pages daily.

3.     Actively engage (in person or electronically) with younger people (younger adults, adolescents’ children , infants etc.)

4.     Stay informed about current world affairs, care a lot, but accept the reality of what you can and cannot change.

5.     Be passionate about culture (performing and visual arts) and sporting events.

6.     Recognize and respect the value of spirituality and religion for many people, but feel free to live otherwise as you choose.

7.     Try to earn (and retain) as much money as needed to control your healthy environment into "ripe old age."

Medical attention and healthcare access elements.

1.     Take charge of your own health, look at it closely and also listen to your body especially by not ignoring warning signs or red flags such that if there is something not in perfect order get it fixed at the earliest opportunity and not deliberately delay.

2.     Maintain a long-term relationship with a reliable and conservative primary care physician and certain specialists that fit the needs of older individuals.

3.     Attempt to retain as good a vision as possible for as long as possible.

4.     Use hearing aids as needed, daily, to retain that brain function.

5.     Practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist every 6-12 months, and— there's a strong correlation between length of life and number of original teeth.

6.     Alertly maintain your most up-to-date vaccination schedules.

7.     Sensibly maintain distance from other people who are likely infectious (whatever agents); don't be shy about masking.

8.     Take as few medications and have as few diagnostic tests and surgical procedures as possible, especially back surgeries and knee operations.

9.     Utilize acupuncture and massage as appropriate.

10.  Do apply abundant moisturizing skin lotion, especially after sun exposure.

11.  Do use humidifiers and saline nasal mist often to prevent nosebleeds.

12.  Walk at least a mile or better yet 2 miles daily or 4-5 days per week or alternate aerobics workout

13.  Try to swim on alternate days or better yet daily which will depend if there are  opportunities or availability.

14.  Learn and practice the techniques of yoga, not necessarily in groups, especially the standing side bend, prone baby cobra, forward plank, and windshield-wiper.

15.  Recognize that decadal sarcopenia is inevitable and if not held in check can proceed inexorably, such that diligent attention is required to meticulously mitigate this killer through protein-rich diet, muscle growth boosters and resistance training   (going against the force of gravity using as much force as possible for long enough).

16.  Work on gait speed, gait balance, and equilibrium amelioration which is helped through yoga pose style exercises or static stretches.

17.  "Wearables" can be useful as a motivator and record keeper. Below are screenshots of my Fitbit Inspire 2 on a recent morning (weight, 159; resting heart rate, 59; sleep, 7 hours 44 min; readiness [to exercise], 100; 4907 steps; 2.34 miles)

Vocation related elements.

1. Be ikigai driven when choosing a vocation such that you enjoy have productive and fulfilling reasons to get out of bed each morning and the job satisfaction is a bigger reason than income for going to work. In other words have a higher purpose of life.

2. Aim to pick a vocation which aligns very well with your talents and if possible make the work also a vocation or recreation for you.

3. Aim to descend into a flow state when allocating a two or four hour time block to the vocational  pursuit something that would be readily feasible for musicians etc.

4. Never retire from the vocation of your choice and always keep innovating by thinking creatively and finding issues that challenges you and to find solutions for them.

5. If low energy or fatigue preclude continuation with full time participation in the vocation then reduce it to a part-time or at include volunteer position filling for staying actively interacting with the community .